The yarden is a tumble of roses- red, pink, a few yellow.. the red comes from the tall bush right outside the kitchen window, it is only one cluster of many. The tiny pink are in the way back azalea maze, thick and full but hidden from view- unless you are wandering around the tree farm.
This weekend was the best- I cleaned most of the house thoroughly, which was nice... yesterday was spent mainly outside, mowed the grass, worked along the front porch some. Recovered the well (a beautiful large orange-headed skink lives in the well house), cleaned off most of the front porch. I just got into it and didn't want to go anywhere or do anything else... it felt good to set it all in order.
I function through chaos- bits of this and that coming together somehow, but then I need to press my 'reset' button, straighten everything out, calm it all down so I can start again. Clear mind, clean house, ready to go on the next adventure.
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