It's May-day. Where the house is supposed to be clean, bright and full of flowers. Maypoles, Maybaskets, Maywine~ spring and happy and sweet, sweet.
Instead, my house REEKS of dead-mouse. So last night I went on a dead-mouse hunt.... not in the cabinets, behind or under the fridge, behind or under the stove...from which it seems to come from... so I took apart the stove (ew. not recommended. it's tricky and my so-called-clean stove that I never use- remember the hate-to-cook part- is not so clean....ew.) Anyway, no dead mouse.
I *did* find a hole in the baseboard, and can only assume our decaying friend is in the wall. Happy. Joy. I am NOT taking the wall down. It takes about 1-2 weeks for the body to skeletonize enough to stop reeking... can I come live with you?
Seriously, even the dogs are grossed out. When I forced Max to come inside last night, he was just alike a teenager forced to change a catbox.... elaborate sneezing, shaking of the head, coughing and looks of disgust...then he ran off and hid under the bed. Bear is not-so-much disgusted, but even she doesn't want to be in the kitchen or studio, hung out elsewhere last night. So if one small mouse causes such stink, how in the world do serial killers put up with the smell? good god... Now I've worked with dead-things before- in the labs- and skeletons don't bug me in the least- but that was all nice and sanitary and all of our dead-things had been frozen. It's been over 80 degrees here, hotter in the house during the day I imagine...accelerates decay. Hopefully that means that mr. mouse will hurry up and turn into dust in less than a week... in the mean time, it's good for the diet.
Odd aside- did you know that during the 1950's and 60's they made child sized gas masks that looked like Mickey Mouse? Creepy.
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