Saturday, August 29, 2009
What Vampire Families Do

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Back to School!

A photograph of Ariel that Neena took and altered last year- it is one of my favorite images, the color and expression, capturing an age in light.
School began today- first student day... it's almost four, they are gone and I'm exhausted. I never feel that I know what I'm talking about- even when I do- I am settling in with this group of kids and some are already testing me. Some already are at home here... most of the art 2's, the little artblock class that are like my own. The art ones have to get used to me, and it sucks that I had to be mean the first day- but when someone tests you the first day you have to be firm with boundaries. In charge. Then we had extra time because time is all odd again, my class clock is NOT in synch with the school clock and I never could wear a watch. Ran over in homeroom and art 2, cut it short in art 1, and artblock ended up talking about Ted Kennedy and the super-model murder. At least it was current events!
I want to do things differently this year, shift focus a bit. I get tied up though in change from what I've always taught (which is now easy and familiar) and what I want to teach (my big ideas) and reality (no supplies- but I can cope with that... and enthusiasm-suckers who make me tired...a bit hard to be all 'go' when someone is sitting there rolling their eyes at you and wishing you into teacher-hell). ... I'm tired now though, still have to do ECU stuff, but I can do that at home with Manz and doggs and boy and kitten, surrounded by comfort. And without wearing teacher shoes.
All in all, it wasn't a disaster of a day, just a long one. Class sizes are small due to computer error- either they will stay small (Yay!) or mushroom into monsters (ick)... I feel guilty when I have small classes though- am used to ginormous classes which are easier in a way. In large classes I can just give directions, be stricter... in small classes I get distracted (Kennedy and boob implants) or have a difficult time with the more formal aspects of instruction. It will resolve itself though- I know I am a good teacher, just need to get rolling.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Ghost in the Attic! oooOOoooo

An old abandoned house, out in the middle of the country. Big oak trees, tumble down barn, door swinging open... who could resist? Not me...
On the way to pick up Grendel I go through all these back roads, and since they were going to be late I had some time to spare. Close to Harrell's there is a triangle road division, surrounded by corn fields- nothing else around. In the triangle there are the big oaks, a yard overgrown with Johnny-jump-ups and Queen Anne's lace, and a Gothic cottage. It's brick and wood, has a gable and an arched doorway... and the door was open.
The inside of the house was bare and sturdy- five rooms down, two up. Hardwood floors (some covered with peeled-off linoleum- ew), plaster walls. Built in bookcases. I could so live there! Upstairs was empty- and the attic door was open. Attic floor had castoffs like most attics- stray single shoes, assorted tiny toys, escaped rubbish... and over in the corner- a GHOST!!! Bright white but not so spooky....
Saturday, August 22, 2009

This morning the doggs were carrying on like crazy. woof woof woof. They settled down after a bit, but when we were headed out on our Saturday adventures, they started up again. woof woof woof woof woof.... Manz went around back- just in case their was a yard monster- and found that they were all upset over this tiny kitten. Bear chased him down into one of Max's ginormous holes under the torn bush, and now they weren't sure what to do. (We all know that kittens are really dangerous yard monsters in disguise).
Well, the man put on his leather gloves, crawled back into the thorn bush and reeeeaaaached down the hole. Up came the kitten- he looks to be about 4, maybe 6, weeks old. Tiny. Blackish brownish, white chest, little white belly. Green green eyes (look close at the photo- the kitten's eyes, the man's shirt and the man's eyes are all the same green). I went in to get some tuna and water, then went to put the tuna can up- by the time I was back the kitten had a name- Squirt.
So off to the new Walmart to check with our neighbor lady Linda (she has cats) to make sure it wasn't one of hers...it wasn't. Time then for Kitten Chow, a litter box, kitty litter that is not clay (we got the silica gel kind, I'm allergic to clay) and now we have a kitten. Max will have to take his benedryl's, and we will have to go the vet Monday for shots, and I wasn't planning on kitten at all.. but... he is little and cute, he already loves the man and cuddles up in the beard, purr purr purr. He likes me ok, to- but it's nothing compared to the mananimal magic.
But if he brings home any zoo animals, I'm putting my foot down. Not fond of camels, nope, not at all.
Thursday, August 20, 2009

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Happenstance it was that Charles had a gift for me yesterday~ he brought me an onyx sea turtle, of all things. Without knowing the turtle dream (I tell my dreams everyday, but not all of them- the man can only take so much). But it fits and creates a sort of echo, a sign of something meant.
Today is the first day of school, and last night, this morning I am full of... something. Anxiety? yes and no because it is nothing that I haven't done a million times before, and nothing much is happening for the next three days except endless meetings. Excitement? yes, but it is all balled up with wanting to get things done and doing what they want... blah blah blah. Tired of talking about it, tired of thinking about it. Summer's over, get on with the program, another shift in seasons, another day. I'm going to be doing this for the next 16 years at least....
That's a long time and no time. And then what? Haven't a clue- like the turtles, I swim to shore every year, crawl up on land, hatch a new batch of young ones. Go back to the sea. Do it again. What do turtles do when they retire? They live forever- barring mishaps- and I am fair confident that I will live a very, very long time. (Grendel had best have a good job to support me).... I'm only at the half-wayish mark, still have far to go. Still excited every day- good excited/ bad excited, point is that I get worked up about life, and all it's little things. Sometimes it wears me out, sometimes I get so wound up that I can't unwind and I end up babbling (like now. ya think? maybe two hours of sleep last night, and I'm a champion sleeper.... but I finally got warm enough without stealing *all* the blankets) I love the man and sometimes I wear him out, but he is patient and good and listens and tells me when I am out of orbit. I will spin back to center, spiral down and slow.... but never, ever stop.
There's a song he likes, about how one person is steady and still while the other one is always in motion. I like the song because I recognize that aspect of us- he is steady and calm, the eye of the hurricane. (guess what part I am). Without the wind, the eye would not move. Without the eye, the wind would not be focused. Together, we are unstoppable.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Me and the Sea~

Last day of Summer

Last day of summer- school starts tomorrow. As usual, I've a combination of excited (about the new year, fresh start and all that) and sad (will miss the summer- where did it go?) ... it is also our Walmart's last day..the new super one opens tomorrow, which will be grand. But I'll miss our 'small-mart' with it's quirky leftover stuff, and our paint-aisle-of-love.
So today- what to do? Charles is at work, I should be working on the computer, but I am anxious and edgy and dying to go swimming or something. Haven't been to the beach all summer- have been busy, traveling, occupied with home and school then sick with shingles- and I miss it. Have been dreaming about it constantly for the past few nights, not any beach in particular, but the taste of the water, the feel of the sand, finding the treasures uncovered by waves. It is so much a part of me that my heart hurts without it- I am thinking of going today, but the drive is long, and I am full of nerves, don't know if that would calm them or if just working would calm them. I work to much. We'll see.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Seven Bridges Road

Saturday, August 15, 2009
Summer Hibernation

Thursday, August 13, 2009
Some of us....

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Yes, maybe one of these *would* help my cooking skills- seriously though, baking is easy. I can do bread (bear steals it), cookies, cake, pie... anything that is yummy and not-on-the-diet. (yes, am back to the diet. Combination of raised insurance, doctor saying it 'wouldn't hurt', and me not liking the way I look in photos much...) anyhoo, with non-bakery foods the manz is still a better cook than I. (as voted by Grendel. When boy smells food, he magically appears from his room... it goes something like this: sniff...sniff...sniff...
But still- I remember my ezbake oven- it was yellow, and we would get it out and put it on the counter at Headacher. (on the right side of the counter- I remember the oddest stuff). I loved the little boxes of cake mixes with little boxes of icing... and it was wonderful even though it was really a half-raw cake with wet sugar on top. You can't really bake a cake with a lightbulb very successfully- especially if it is child waiting for the cake to be done and 15 minutes is a lifetime. (I remember eating it with a spoon...) Later I graduated to other cakes, and Pete-the-Greek in Califorina gave me my first cookbook of my own- the Betty Crocker's guide to cakes (or something) after I made my first 'real' cake- a cherry chip from a mix. It was pink and lopsided and a bit odd, but I was hooked. I made cakes, cookies, pies, muffins, cobblers... all manner of things. I got so carried away that I worked in a bakery for awhile (Harris Teeter in Charleston) but mainly did donuts and the decorating part. (I can still make a mean sugar rose!) I made the cakes for my first wedding, Layla's wedding in Boone, and Melissa's wedding at the beach. Don't think I am doing *that* again as I no longer have the giant cake pan, and *this* wedding (whenever it is? mystery of the century!) it would be nice to not have to do that. I want to just have fun, all sorts of fun, at this one- so it may just be banana pudding with slowly sinking figurines for festivity. At least everyone will have their banana quotient for the day....
Friday, August 7, 2009
Let me tell you something...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
New Hair!