This morning the doggs were carrying on like crazy. woof woof woof. They settled down after a bit, but when we were headed out on our Saturday adventures, they started up again. woof woof woof woof woof.... Manz went around back- just in case their was a yard monster- and found that they were all upset over this tiny kitten. Bear chased him down into one of Max's ginormous holes under the torn bush, and now they weren't sure what to do. (We all know that kittens are really dangerous yard monsters in disguise).
Well, the man put on his leather gloves, crawled back into the thorn bush and reeeeaaaached down the hole. Up came the kitten- he looks to be about 4, maybe 6, weeks old. Tiny. Blackish brownish, white chest, little white belly. Green green eyes (look close at the photo- the kitten's eyes, the man's shirt and the man's eyes are all the same green). I went in to get some tuna and water, then went to put the tuna can up- by the time I was back the kitten had a name- Squirt.
So off to the new Walmart to check with our neighbor lady Linda (she has cats) to make sure it wasn't one of hers...it wasn't. Time then for Kitten Chow, a litter box, kitty litter that is not clay (we got the silica gel kind, I'm allergic to clay) and now we have a kitten. Max will have to take his benedryl's, and we will have to go the vet Monday for shots, and I wasn't planning on kitten at all.. but... he is little and cute, he already loves the man and cuddles up in the beard, purr purr purr. He likes me ok, to- but it's nothing compared to the mananimal magic.
But if he brings home any zoo animals, I'm putting my foot down. Not fond of camels, nope, not at all.
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