Here we are at Barbie's house- we had a wonderful time and I think- guess- that Charles was a bit taken at how much Barbie and I are alike in some things.
We talk all the time, like throw rugs, dislike curtains, hang odd stuff in trees (she hangs glass apples, I hang teacups), love books, have notes from Daddy in the kitchen, think white walls are perfect, but choose 'colors' like pale celery, off-white, beige to be 'daring'... lust after red leather couches, kinda listen to our fellows but tend to do what we want to anyway (thus the picture), love doggs and spoil them rotten, think ice cream is perfectly fine for lunch, go to bbq restaurants and eat more vegetables than bbq, dislike banana pudding unless it is the 'real deal', tend to be excitable (ya think?) etc. etc. etc.
So it was an adventure in meeting-the-family, but we all seemed to 'click' and had a wonderful time. We went down to the market in the city (where one of the vendors from long ago actually remembered me! said I hadn't 'changed a bit' so either he was 'being nice' or I've always looked older and heavier (boo) or I magically reverted to 20 (don't think so). Anyway, the market, ice cream, then out to bbq later and an outdoor concert at Monkes Corner.
In addition to the festivities, we just sat and talked forever and ever. Brought home a million plants (Thanks Mr. Thomas!), had a grand time in the car all the way there and all the way back. When we got home, it was back to the real world- playing catchup and the phone has apparently been out for days (if you can't reach us, call my cell or grendel's cell), the haircutting adventure and the internet went down and I ended up having to go to Raleigh to meet with my ECU boss-lady. Which was fun, because meeting with her and Hailey (the other TA) includes coffee, lunch and shopping-as-a-team building-experience. (Barnes and Nobles)
Now the net is back up, we are home- at least for today- Grendel goes to SC tomorrow, I'm in Raleigh again Monday, Tuesday, Weds..... school starts the next wends. (bleah. I'm just getting used to summer). The mice have decreased (but we caught two more snakes- one in the studio, one on the porch), the house is looking good and things are coming together. Everything always works out for the best, it really does.
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