So, the first school week is over- two good classes and one pain in the butt class. Rotten freshman. And my giant online college class, but that is fun! I really like teaching online...
Anyway, I was exhausted yesterday when I got home... Charles had made yummy yummy baked chicken goodness with potatoes and green beans, it was raining just a bit and we were watching movies, eating comfort food while I finished reading the college kids work. The manz had been busy all day... it was cozy inside and by 8 o'clock we were both dozing in our chairs. By 8:30 we were tucked in bed, sound asleep.
2:00 rolls around and for some reason, some strange reason known only to Verizon, they decide to message my cell phone to tell me that my minutes are low. Great. I use the cell phone as an alarm so it wakes everyone up... we try to go back to sleep, but the kitty starts meowing, Charles gets up for good and I am just about to drift off when nature takes it's course. What goes in must go out and kitty is in the kitty box and it smells like an elephant died in our bedroom. So now I'm awake to.
What to do? Why, bake cookies of course- cinnamon oatmeal toffee and mocha Swiss chocolate chip. The boy magically appears and I con him into doing the dishes. The manz is in his chair watching a movie, drinking coffee and taste-testing cookies- we decide that this is what vampire families do when they are not outside lurking in the rain, hoping for tasty victims. They hang out and bake cookies, watch movies, stay up all night.
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