are just not cut out for 'professional dress'. Like Pippi Longstocking (in the picture) I am comfy in my old skirts and flipflops (or chucks, or boots)...anything else and I start to deconstruct.
So, yeah, I went to the Urgent Care Tuesday- shingles it is, now am properly medicated and went back to Raleigh all medicined-up and painted pink with calamine lotion. Now, Tuesday when we were leaving the DPI building, I was properly attired in one of my new skirts (the blueberry one) and wearing heels, earrings. Well, it was the end of the day, rush hourish, and the streets around the capitol are busy busy. Nice motorists stop to let us cross the street...and right in the middle of the street my heels go one way, I another and I end up tip-over- teakettle. Nothing broke, just a icky skinned knee, skinned elbows and skinned toes (who'd a though you could skin your TOES?) and my dignity shattered.
So Wednesday I am back in my comfy skirt (another new one from Texas) but no more heels. Apparently my body became confused, started thinking shingles was an allergy, and I proceeded to break out in NEW blotchy places all over my FACE, neck, and other parts not suitable to mention on a G-rated blog. .... By the end of the day yesterday, I was looking a whole lot like Fiona-the-Ogre (from shrek).... back to the dr. today.... more medicine, oatmeal baths and everything is starting to fade (thank-god)... and I got a tasmanian devil bandaid for my steroid-shot place.... poor charles, I'm not sure he was ready for *this* look, but he has been a good sport, came with me to urgent care and to my zillion trips to the Wal-mart pharmacy.... checks on me when I disappear into the bath for an hour with a beer and a book. He is a long suffering man, this one~ but he takes good care of me even when I'm whiny and ogre-ish. Can't ask for a better prince charming!
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