I'm not really mia, I'm just in Raleigh. At the DPI (department of public instruction) working on the state curriculum for art. Well, *leading* the secondary group. Point is, I can't leave. I *have* to be here. All day yesterday, all day today, all day tomorrow (starting at 8am). I'm driving back and forth everyday (state budget cuts mean they are not happy about springing for hotels... you pay, they reimburse part of it. Sorry, can't do that). Anyway- the meetings are BUT
My body is rebelling and I broke out in shingles on Sunday. So I am covered in an icky rash (mostly on the waist) which luckily isn't visible.. there are some spots on my neck... but it ITCHES like crazy. So here I am, trying to look all professional (dressed up with heels, earrings) and trying hard not to squirm or excuse myself to the rest room to much... the only thing that helps with the itching is the 3b combination: bath + benedryl + beer. But as I can't do that in public, I am taking benedryl and putting on biofreeze, which helps the itching for some reason. (I know that it is probably not a good idea to put it on a rash, but there isn't much choice at the moment. It's either that or rip my clothes off in the middle of the state department, which would not bode well for future employment)....
Everyone says that the pain will start soon (don't you just *love* feeling bad and people happily tell you- just wait, it's going to hurt like crazy. Or my aunt had it and had to be hospitalized. The joy.)
Go to the doctor!! BS
I learned this cure for shingles from Lisa when I worked with her. Her mother was from "down south" in the country....take the blood of a black chicken and put on the shingles......just trying to be helpful.....BS
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