Commitment.... am I ready for commitment? I think so~ (now, don't get your nickers in a twist, I'm not talking about the auction guy...) I'm talking about the auction! Last night I finally received my 'forever' number!!!! A sign of being part of the elite, recognized auction-goers! WOOHOO! No more remembering this number or that number (though it wasn't ever a real pain) but I am now...drumroll...224. I was going to take a picture of the number but I lost it (which is odd- I think I have every other number I've ever had...) Anyway, 224. 2+2+4=8, infinity/ money/ success. A good omen.
The image (above) is what we do at auctions (along with buy stuff, flirt with the auction guy and eat awesome homemade desserts- last night pineapple cake) It's not as much fun without Ms.Ball (the whole auction isn't as much fun without Ms.Ball)...but we sit and draw whatever is being auctioned off. (some one please explain why the plastic frog sold for $25.00 while a beautiful Art Deco desk sold for $30?) Last night because I got there a few minutes late I had to sit in the back, so I had to race to draw whatever they were holding up. I ended up the night with three double fold pages like this- excellent practice of drawing skills, helps me to learn the names of stuff, entertains those around me and is useful for reference later. And I like to think it keeps me from bidding on anything that doesn't move fast enough. (Actually, that is a bit of an exaggeration- I am quite conservative and rarely go over 5 dollars unless it is truly special)...
Last night's haul included the long desired sling blade for my yarden (along with a saw of dubious quality and a thing- a strange looking garden tool spiky thing on the end of a long handle- all one money) a beautiful big white Fireking bowl (no one else was bidding on it, which was odd. I love white fireking) a bamboo shade for Grendel's bedroom window (right now he has up a Mexican blanket, which is a bit thirdworld for me...) and these two sweet sweet little hardwood folding chairs that are whitewashed (all one money! my favorite phrase)...I *could* paint the chairs and sell them, but right now I am having fantasies of keeping them in the back of my car for impromptu chair-sitting. (This vision also includes painting outside, picnic baskets and a whole "luncheon on the grass" demeanor. Will this ever happen? Probably not, but it's nice to think about right now) ... anyhoo, all for next to nothing plus I got to have conversations with Kyle's mum, Donna Rivenbark (who I haven't seen forever! Turns out her pastor's adopted son is a freshman at .....SCAD!!!! visions of carpooling dance in my head) and the auction regulars. Doc even smiled at me (rare) Of course my auction guy was there- lots of attention and happy-goodness. We are getting together later today, unless there is a tornado....
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