When I was little, Daddy had a horror of kids (girls!) touching knives- even to wash them. (Lawnmowers and exacto blades were included on that- big knives that they were) I don't think I really used a knife- other than a steak knife- until I left home. I am still hopeless with exacto blades, but other knives suit me fine. I carried my beloved Swiss Army knife for years until I started teaching- not allowed in school. However, no one has ever banned scissors- which are like two knives in one- so I have an absolute obsession with them. Scissors in the car, in my purse, in my MaggieHopey bag, in my desk...everywhere. But that is another story.
For all the no-knives-for-girls rules, it obviously didn't apply to boys. Daddy gave Grendel his first pocket knife long ago- taught him how to use it safely. Happy about that because it is something everyone should have/ know how to use. Grendel is master at exacto knives, pocket knives, throwing knives- which is fine *except* when he used his wall for target practice. Not cool. (In his defense I hung a dart board on the wall, but until he learned not to miss, the wall took quite a beating).
Somehow I ended up with all of the kitchen knives from Mino Drive. I now have knives for every possible occasion...but I only use my favorite, and then usually to open the dog food bag. I don't cook hardly at all anymore (Ramen Noodles is not cooking. I live off them) and most things I do cook don't require cutting up. I've gotten lazy in the kitchen....
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