Hot and humid today- the sky is dark, heavy weather expected. I predict that there will be *lots* of flower-type posts coming up! My yarden is ready to burst into bloom- the azaleas and dogwoods, the phlox and alyssum, bright shamrocks and their wood sorrel kin.
Today though, I found the violets. Large and purple, all around the place in the hedge where Max has made his nest (of course). I have always loved violets- they dotted the lawn and meadows at Headacher, flourished in PopPop's back yard (and persisted even through Daddy's attempts with weed killer...though I don't think he was aiming for the violets, exactly). I would love for my yard to be carpeted with violets.... that is why I have a yard instead of a lawn. I'm not a fan of yard work, or fussing about with sprays and trimmers. I love the variety of the grasses and blooms, the healthy habitats for the frogs and lizards. Big golden orb spiders, the huge moths, tiny yellow butterflies and bees- I can do without mice and bugs-that-bite, but I am willing to endure them for the sake of the rest. (Almost time to get the guineas! Mice beware!)
The rain is rolling in- I can hear the thunder far off. It's time to turn off the computer and go do my errands- laundry detergent and hair clips, peppermint oil and a gift for my secret pal at work. Heavy spring rain, ceiling fans clicking away, doggs inside now and stretched out on the rug- I love the magic that is today.
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