A strange attractor is one of the principles of Chaos science~ as defined by my textbook, "Chaotic systems are not truly random. Rather they process patterns that are extremely complex and unpredictable, but that stay within certain parameters. The discovery that chaos possesses deep structures of order is all the more remarkable because of the wide range of systems that demonstrate this behavior. They range from lynx fur returns to outbreaks of measles epidemics, from the rise and fall of the Nile river to eye movements of schizophrenics. To summarize, chaos theory informs us that order and chaos are not opposites. Rather they are mirror images one containing the other" (p.434 in Supervision and Instructional Leadership- a book not as boring as it sounds...)
Anyway, a strange attractor is basically a randomly occurring unusual circumstance that happens at the same time regardless. Or, in my case, a plastic cactus.
When we were at the auction Saturday, I kept getting out bid. Cool hand braided old rug? didn't win it. Most excellent tiny round table with four triangular chairs and glass top? (would of made splendid fortune-telling table) was distracted and missed it. Giant iron cauldron for the yard? Nope. ... and so on. I was joking that the only thing I would win the bid on was the plastic cactus. This became a running theme between Melissa and I, and the auction folks, and anyone else who happened by. As the day evolved and I actually did begin to win a few bids, I also became ABSOLUTELY DETERMINED that I was going to acquire that plastic cactus. I had to have it, just because. The day wore on down to the last of the last- I had to pay $2.00 (yes, someone bid against me! argh!) but the cactus was MINE!.... and now, for the strange attractor part.
Next day- after I posted my blog with auction list- Sister Sue emailed me.... she has been searching Texas high and low for a- guess what- a plastic cactus. You think that such a thing would be common in Texas, and not likely to be acquired at an estate auction in rural low-country North Carolina.... You would think that at any other time I would not become possessed by the plastic cactus, when there were equally odd things about (one-eyed sock monkey among others)... Chaos theory at work. Strange attractors and synchronicity. Physics in a cactus- sometimes the universe proves itself as having a sense of humor.
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