I didn't realize until I looked at the photo that bigblue needs a good washing. There is evidence of paw prints, possibly some coffee and most definitely some sepia. I always get sepia on my sleeves (it's like a soft brown drawing stick- lovely stuff) because I use it all the time, it gets everywhere and if I don't put it up the dogs get aholt of it. Bear (of course!) LOVES to 'draw' with sepia- thing is, when it gets damp (bloodhound slobber) it turns into a sticky dark brown paint that is impossible to clean up. And it finds its way onto bigblue.
Dirty or not, bigblue is instant comfort. I don't know what it is made of, but it's squashy and warm, soft and thick and feels like an instant hug. What makes it even 'more specialier' is that it is something I never would of bought for myself... I don't spend on treats like this. (Right now all my money is for vet bills and the monster- who finally has a cell phone- and I just paid off/closed my last credit card which I am very, very proud of doing!) But when I spend money on myself it is usually for books or art or food or dr c (who is very worth it).... not for creature comforts.
I am a creature of comfort. I like to be warm, have my chairs and my coffee, something yummy, dogs to cuddle, computer, good books and music and netflix and sepia. mmmmmmm....life is good.
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