Anyhoo, our sketchbook assignment for this week is 'third word'- about how other people see us and we see ourselves. Everyone in class had to write down three words to describe everyone + themselves. Everyone collected their own words, found out what are the two most common perceptions, and talked about what they were surprised by, what they disagreed with. For Monday we have to illustrate the two most common words plus choose another word that describes us but that is not on the list.
My words for myself were: eccentric, creative, smart.
Other peoples words for me were: moody, crazy, spastic, crazy, confusing, red, curly, artist, creative, creative, funny, funny, musical, passive, deep, motherly, beautiful inside and out.
They explained that crazy was crazy in a good-fun-happy-hyper way, and that I think of the oddest things.
I was concerned by 'confusing'- when we discussed it, I discovered that my 'getting sidetracked' sometimes got confusing. And that I frequently misplace things like my keys, attendance and (yesterday) pizza. One of them said you are really organized but chaotic at the same time- this is true. Follows along with the 'spastic' part I suppose!
Musical was quite a shock as well- I can't play anything (though not for the lack of trying when I was younger) and I can't carry a tune. But they keyed in on that I love music, sing along happily anyway (we just watched Across the Universe and I gleefully sang along...) and make up songs all the time.
So this was interesting. And fair accurate. I am happy and hyper and think of odd things, get sidetracked....some call it crazy, I call it 'Expressive'. Oddly this is me in class, me around friends, me around Grendel. Otherwise I am reserved, quiet, hold back. huh.
Moody? Ya think?
Passive. Not sure how to take that- I am proactive in my life, but I hate controlling people and I hate conflict. So I let things slide and let karma work it out.
Deep. Like that. It's like smart.... means that I think.
Funny? see crazy, spastic and musical- I laugh a lot-
Motherly? It's my true nature, I think. I mother all these kids and my own... a role I fit into naturally. Which doesn't mean that I am always nice, but like a mother I sometimes snap and growl to get them into shape, but I love them none-the-less. And I mean it when I say that.
Beautiful inside and out? That made my day!
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