Two fish, Red fish, Blue fish. This was one of Daddy's potholders- an elaborate fishy oven mitt that he probably didn't use. A case of buying wacky kitchen stuff for Christmas or something- he loved to cook, loved gadgets and was happiest in his kitchen-cave.
I come from a family of good cooks. Everybody cooks...but me. I *can* cook- I used to love to shop and cook for Mum and Dad when I'd go visit (Daddy's kitchen was like a cooking wonderland...every size pot or pan or baking thing, all the spices in the world, millions of knives, spoons, spatulas and gadgets that did *something*... a big gas range, freezer, fridges (yes plural- upstairs/downstairs)- everything at hand.
I have lost all interest in cooking. I still make bread, and I'll cook when the monster is home or I have company, but for me it seems pointless. I'm just to busy, to tired, to in need of instant gratification. I live on ramen noodles and oatmeal and veggies...which sounds like it should make me skinny but it doesn't. That's ok, skinny is over rated, eating out way to expensive (and hey folks, this is Wallace. not option-city)... oh...I'm sounding cranky this morning.
I am cranky. I am tired today- sleepy, exhausted, crawl-into-bed tired. I am tired of oatmeal and ramen noodles. I suppose the down side of a really good weekend is the Monday Blues- usually I am so bouncy on Mondays... it will get better though, grace in action and all that. Meantime I'm going to blame it on bad nutrition, try to think about cooking or eating things that are quick, easy and healthy. And that don't make you buy a million ingredients or make a ton of... and yeah, I tried the frozen food but it is expensive and anti-great. Not to mention the tiny portions. So lets look for : cheap, easy, healthy, tasty and quantity- I like to eat *lots* when I eat so it's high volume/ low calories. I fail at portion control but I am an all-star member of the 'clean plate club'!
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