and the gnat, noseeum, mosquito and all the little bitey bugs that make my life miserable. But at least- at least- I don't *live* in Tick Bite (yes, folks, you guessed it...it's not a road named tick bite, it's a whole community!). They must have serious tick-issues....
and am thinking, do they have a 'tickfest'? What would their high school mascot be? (Now I'm thinking of the TICK- the old blue superhero, his sidekick was a mostly-blind moth...) Is that where they retired to?
Anyway, caught this sign on the way back from ECU yesterday, after yummy Thai food lunch with professor-boss-lady after review (gold stars for me! yay!). I was going to stop and reshoot all the photos that I lost on Data (old computer, remember?) but was tired and lazy after food- only stopped twice on the way home. First stop was Enams, which is one of the coolest places ever, and a total anomaly for rural NC...the size of a small supermarket, it is "An African-American Arts and Crafts and Spiritualist Store" in Grifton- what it *really* is is the best hoodoo shop this side of New Orleans. Shelves of candles, all different colors and shapes and intentions, oils and herbs (herbs are to expensive- they only sell by the full oz- at approximately $8.00 per oz) washes and powders, charms, books, dusts, loadstones, wolf-eyes and raccoon penis bones, cowrie shells, soaps- the front of the store is a shrine to Jesus/Orisha (I *think* Orisha? can't remember right now) with a huge (bigger than me) painting by Enam, I presume. Anyway, it's coolness incarnate. I was looking for unscented carrier oils and butters for making perfumes, and did come away with 2 pots of soybutter (it's lovely! one is for you Ms. Ball!), black salt (also for Ms. Ball...for some reason we have started collecting salt... white, black, pink, green, rock, sea, kosher, iodized) rosemary wash (to clear your head, it smells lovely and after my shower I now smell like...crock pot chicken. yum.) some Job's tears (they bring money- after yesterday's pay cut, I figure they couldn't hurt...) and some 'Turn Back Powder' so my new lawnmower won't get stolen. (like the last one! my own stupid fault for leaving it on the porch...I thought I put it in the shed, but no... darn. darn. darn.) Carrier oils were to expensive because they were out of all but the large sizes (in case you are wondering, carrier oils are used as bases to mix essential oils- the expensive scented oils- in order to create perfume oils that can then be used to make whatevers. Most essential oils are supposedly to strong to wear- not scent wise, but skin irritation wise- I wear them anyway, but that gets expensive...besides perfumery is Mel and I's new interest...) Anyway, a fun diversion of a stop, good field trip. Need any bits of magic, let me know!
Next stop was 'Some Like it Old' which is another anally for NC- it is a huge antique store (that is not so strange, they are everywhere) but this one has odd stuff- like Samurai Armor. Not one suit- no- SEVERAL suits of full Samurai Armor from different eras... and other cool things but I was fascinated by the Samurai stuff. Looking for a small oval frame with glass for Ariel at school, but no-go...
A day on the road with adventures did me good- it's like a minivacation and satisfied my travelling urge for a bit... and for all who are wondering, yep, I'm ok, just being very very me right now : )