Spinning discs onto the computer- about half-way done transferring all of my music. Yay! Visions of mix cd's to play in the car dancing in my head, endless miles of happily singing along to my assortments.
I love music, all types of music- seriously, I've even learned to appreciate opera and rap (well, *some* opera and rap) and while I don't sing well, I sing with great enthusiasm. When I make mix cds I usually start with a theme- summer, road songs, days of the week, sinners and saints etc. and link songs by content.... my summer cd has music from the opera Porgy and Bess, Sublime, Aaron Copeland, The Breeders, Robert Johnson etc. Everything very different, but blending together in a multitude of voices telling the same story. Amazing.
Today I go to the ear doctor, hopefully find out *why* I can't hear, get fixed, patched up or not. I read lips fairly well, so don't have much of an issue with face-to-face conversations- but in a crowd or the classroom or on the phone it doesn't work out. I can *hear* the noise (usually) but I can't understand what is being said. Vargh. Annoying, more than anything, though I try to have fun with it: "I'm sorry, little student, but I haven't any Yak milk to pour on your head". Who can I hear on the phone? Barbie. Mel. Teresa. Who can I kinda hear? Mum. Grendel. Who do I have to struggle with hearing? Most men (don't get the wrong idea! It's not that I have men calling me 24-7, but still they *are* half of the world's population!) anything automated (I hang up) Soft talkers like Grendel's Grandma and Kyle....
Actually, it is a mixture of good and bad. Can't hear the phone ring but pick up on distant birdsong. Can hear the students whispering- but can also hear the annoying buzz of loud ipods through headphones. Can block out most distractions but get really irritable in loud crowds (cafeterias etc.)... something I can live with, have made plans for, but it is something that I would also like fixed. In the meantime, a day off school for ear testing, a trip to the city and perhaps---just perhaps--- they will have some cool anatomical ear models that I can take photos of!
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