In the fairy tale, Rose Red was the wild sister, Snow White the good one. Snow white sat by the fire, cooked and sewed and made things, created a garden and hearth and home. Rose Red would rather play, romp around the forest with the animals- while she *could* sew, and probably cook, she didn't like it much. Obviously, Snow White got the Prince.
I'm Rose Red, at least when it comes to cooking. I can do it, sometimes do it well, but truth is- I'd rather not. I love plants, know about them, but am not a gardener- thus the yarden in all of its chaotic sprawl. I did mow it yesterday, however- and that felt grand. I know animals, love them, am good with them. My doggs are happy doggs, my yarden full of life. Yesterday I found toad-holes and toads, beautiful butterflies, the huge brown balls where the writing spiders sleep. Skinks and lizards, ladybugs, shiny black beetles hidden under the grass.
I love my home, my tumble down cottage- but it is tumbling down here and there and decidedly has it's faults. I like to clean, keep it neat- hate the mice who have apparently recovered from their fear of peppermint. If it wasn't for freaking out everyone who doesn't share my companionship with critters, I would just get a snake and let it go inside. It would get fat and happy and the mice would vanish. When the mice were gone, the snake would slither off in search of greener pastures.... what do you think? Nothing exotic, just a plain black snake would do, maybe a festive cornsnake. Something hungry.
I love my home but I also love the road. It is spring and I am restless for adventures. I want to go to the beach, put on my huge boots and tramp around in forgotten places. I want to drive forever, stop where I want to, gather strange gifts- herbs and simples, dirt from all the four corners. I want to sing in the car, focus on the horizon, and go, and go, and go. Pull over and sleep when I'm tired, eat when I'm ready to, talk to myself and practice stories out loud. Take max along so he can put his nose out the window and feel the wind in his ears.
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