I *promise* this is the last tech blog for a bit...honest. Well, maybe. I have tried and tried but Data just isn't going to make it... I ordered a new computer this morning, should be here at the end of the month. I was able to get Data back up enough to transfer pictures, so that day is saved.
Grendel, beloved monster that he is, did as promised and mailed me Evie- she came this morning, bright and early. I put the pretty cigar-girl sticker on her to make her happy... I like to decorate my computers though at work I am not supposed to (so...it's limited to one- just one- eye sticker on the monitor)
Anyway, the deal with naming things. We have always named our cars- Big Red, Q etc. My car is Traveller, car before was Nomad. I started naming the computers because early computers all looked alike- towering boxes of beige. With a name, the computer had a personality and once personified with a spirit, it ran better. (call it silly, but it seriously works!) All those annoying conversations were avoided: "Which computer should I use?" "Use the tan one." "Which tan one? The tannish tan one or the kinda tan one?"
So at school right now I have Lucy (the LCD projector) and Hero (the cpu that Lucy is attached to), Lola (the hard-drive. She is candy-apple red and 'gets around'. Imhotep (eye) my big office computer, Destiny (the petite white netbook from the library- actually, the netbook drive is called 'destiny' ...) Data (the big black dell at home, that is sick. Sad because it's like an old faithful horse that trudged along forever) Clover (Grendel's alienware. Named after the film 'Cloverfield'... nice pastoral name for one huge scary machine) and Evie (my little black netbook that is being decorated).
Anyway, blogs will be up late for awhile- have to post them at school (have to *go* to school during spring break in order to do grad work....bleah) because Evie hasn't editing software installed yet... but I'm glad she's home!
1 comment:
amended: I forgot cookies, the lap top with the dead hardrive. Grendel called me later- Clover caught the bug as well, which is scary because Clover is topped out on defense, everything else. Thank god Clover is still under warrenty... be careful with things you open folks. Best we can figure is you-tube videos and student work carried the bugs...
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