I just don't know what is wrong with people round here- they have no blown-up bunnies tied to trees like they do back in good old J-town. Years ago- another Easter trip with Barbie and the monster- bunnies were held hostage all over J-town!!! They were tied to trees- with the eggs hung just out of reach- tied to porches- where they could see *in* the windows at all the treats, but no treats for bunnies!- they were tied to mailboxes, flagpoles, lampposts and even a car or two.
There is no where that decorates quite like Johnstown does. Around here you *might* get an occasional egg tree, or banner thing (and the polka dotted mailboxes are EVERYWHERE! is that a trend or just local? enterprising minds need to know...) anyway, Johnstown had yards full of bunnies, egg trees, Jesus crosses with the purple cloth thing (I know what it means, do you know what it means??) etc. etc. At Halloween everyone went full force with yard shows, Christmas was lit up extravaganzas... during the rest of the year most yards could be counted on to have, at the very least, an American Flag, a religious statue (if Catholic) or bird bath (not so Catholic), assorted bird houses and all the hedges muscled into fluffy green balls.
At Christmas here, there was an attempt by a few to do the giant-blow-up-snowmen things, but in a community of Rednecks, that just equals irresistible target for Jr's new gun. yep, yep. heh.
I don't have an egg tree or any Easter things in my yarden- just tons of flowers- but the yarden is more decorative than most, despite it's lack of grooming. I have a beautiful bottle tree, prisms hanging on the porch and....um... a broken lamp post.... (the smitten one is to take it down hopefully. It sparked at me when I tried, but he can do stuff like that. Or I'll turn it into a weird scarecrow thing...would be the perfect place to tie a bunny, now that I think of it...)
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