I got squinked today- ended up looking like I was on the wrong end of the giant squid.
Actually, it is yet another chapter in my computer woes, this time dealing with the printer at work. I love my printer. It is an old deskjet that has been around since pender, and I love it because it prints heavy with ink... you can do all sorts of cool things with inkjet prints that you can't do with lasers- like make transfers and transparencies, move the ink around etc. fun stuff.
well, the printer has been acting up lately and today was no exception...but with patience and forbearance I printed a page at a time and endured. Then there was a horribly horrible noise, a sharp crack and *WHAM* a bit of plastic flew out and hit me in the neck (no damage) and ink squirted everywhere at full force. Seriously. All over the computer, all over the desk, the floor (lake-o-ink that was tracked everywhere) all over the side of my face, my tshirt and skirt (luckily, black was the color of the day) and into my shoes. Computer was first priority to be cleaned...then the other things...I was the last.
By the time I made it to the rest room, the ink had wicked into everything. It was between my toes, seeped into my bra, through my skirt and all over my legs. Of course, it was all over my neck, the side of my face, in my hair.... and I still had 2 classes to go. awesome.
of course, this added serious credibility when I went to see Dr. Sullivan to explain about my sudden need for a new printer... and one of my benefits of ink-jet ink is that it is fair tough...so I will have 'interesting' marks for a few days...rather like a badly tattooed sailor. Popeye ain't got nothin' on me! I is what I is and I is messy.
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