I am no-mans wife... it's not my nature. I was love-drunk for a week there, and things may still come about, but I am in no way ready to live with someone let alone marry them. Not for at least a year-and-a-day.
This doesn't mean that I don't love him, but it does mean that I love myself, know myself and know what is real and what is illusion. Sometimes I do get tired of being independent, doing everything on my own- but if that is the price to pay for freedom, so be it. If he loves me as I am, he will stick around and we will see what happens, if this is to much then it was not meant to be and better off ending. Sad, but survivable.
2 proposals in a year though is a bit of a record for me- makes me wonder if men are all drowning and reaching for some sort of Rebekah-raft to keep them afloat. Sorry guys, I am swimming along quite nicely and never did pass the lifesaving course- I sink like a stone if someone grabs onto me, and that is no fun. You are, however, welcome to swim by my side and frolic in the waves for a bit.
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