Tangle of roses all over the cottage, baby bunnies in a nest in the garden, spring is all together in full force and it is Sunday morning. I am writing (finally! new computer yay!) Charles is watching the Johnny Cash movie and singing along (yes, he can sing) and all is right with the world today.
Sometimes I think of one thing and another and am not quite sure what is happening here but it is rather nice altogether.
In the meantime it is sunny and lovely and there are odd teenagers riding bikes up and down the road. I suppose they must of moved in a bit ago- one fellow has long hair like Grendle and for a moment I thought it was him- but the hair isn't bright red but blond...but almost as long. I miss the boy.
Update on life- all is well, working hard at school and work and the chaos of papers, prom, graduation and a million projects and clouds of glitter. At home I find myself staying up late, getting up earlier, ready for summer. In the evenings we are in the habit of sitting on the porch after work, talking and watching the day run down. It's comfortable and quiet and just right for right now.
Sometimes I wish I could predict my own future, more often I am glad that I can't. It is much nicer to enjoy the journey than to know when you are going to arrive and where exactly that is. I'm rather fond of traveling, and right now I wonder if I'm traveling to fast- life is rushing by moment to moment, and I can't quite catch my breath. In a good way.
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