Haven't been to BS's house in ages and ages... and it's our first roadtrip together, first meeting-of-the-family... let's see how we do!
Excitement, adventure, and Teenagers In Love!
but not in our studio, which is cosy and pretty. Max is curled up in the man-chair, boy is meandering about the house, manz is at work and bear is...being bear. Rubbing her face on the man-chair since he isn't here to smoosh up her face and rub her eyes (sounds odd, but she loves it)...
Anyhoo, it's pouring- summer rain- I've been working on my neurobiology paper which is gave me a fit because I don't know how to use Adobe Illustrator (photoshop and I are great pals), and got all stressed out about boy-money-situation.
BMS (boy money situation) has to do with financial aid, getting his dorm room and magicking up a considerable amount of money by Friday. Which is at once possible (thank god) and a royal pain in the patuska since that money was earmarked for house things. And it's stressful because I dislike dealing with money, which is why I have everything automatically deducted and love getting paid once a month. It's just that it's August (this *always* happens in August), I really would like the house to be mostly together by school start .... (the manz is working his butt off- but being female, I lust after things like a new couch. Not a necessity, at all, but it would be sweet.... along with dreams of tankless hotwater heaters....mmmmm....we do have the mostbestest shower thing ever though...) Anyway, the boy got charged with 'room damages' which turned out to be a lost-key plus 'improper checkout', so I rained a bit on *his* parade... but he paid for that (leaving him broke broke for the rest of summer, do I have a problem with that? Why no, I do not). And I'll come up with the rest of the housing money- I know he will pay me back in late September when his school money comes in, but in the meantime....grrrrrr.....
So I will sit here in my beautiful studio, listen to the rain and the fan, vent on my blog (thank you all for listening! and thanks to the manz for keeping me calm, and the boy for taking the responsibility for the check-out screw up)... I will focus, focus on neurobiology and try not to complain *too* much... after all, I have a happy family and we are all safe and well... even though I really, really, REALLY want a cookie about now....
Sometimes simple things can revel allot- like, for instance, toothpaste. Goldilocks would be proud as we have 3 tubes in the bathroom... why? Because there are three of us and we like different brands? (No, I buy what is on sale) Because we all brush our teeth at the same time? (No, toothpaste spit grosses me out)... we have three tubes because we have three distinct personalities, as exampled by the technique of tube-squishing.
Charles's tube is on the bottom right. The neatly folded tube of Crest, that is carefully and expertly squeezed from the bottom in order to maximize the usage and minimize the waste. Logical. Thrifty. Neat-and-clean. Precise. Like the toothpaste, he is focused, able to draw a straight line, keeps things orderly and wastes-not. If this tube was wearing clothes, it would have on a tie.
Grendel's tube is at the top. A boy-tube, it is an attempt at a neat squeeze, but not quite mastered as clearly. The bottom is beginning to realize the pressed-out-flat logic, but the top shows signs of haste. Trying to do the 'grown-up' thing but not quite there yet. If this tube was going to work, it would carry a messenger bag instead of a backpack or briefcase.
Then there is my tube, the small one in the center. It's squeezed in the middle, has a distinct impression of my hand- same way I squeeze paint, with chaos and love. Speaking of which, there is a streak of white paint on the tube... (between the C and the r) *everything* I own gets paint on it. It is a tube in a hurry, a bit careless but always has just a little bit more hidden away in the corners when you least expect it (and need it most). If this tube was a pocketbook, it would be one of endless compartments full of linty mints, kleenex and loose change.
Seriously, my one great pearl of advice is that life is to short to stress the toothpaste. Everyone get their own tube, use it as you see fit... but squeeze mine from the middle!
Isn't it beau-ti-ful? This morning I was sitting outside, dutifully reading art history while eating cherries, and the manz comes up with something hidden in his hand.
Now, he had disappeared for a few minutes- I thought he was off doing 'man-stuff' (the bathroom continues to be quite the project. Today it is requiring acquiring hacksaws and soldering irons, pipes, faucets...)...anyway, he says to me, he says "hold out your hand, I have something for you." So the heart is all skip and flutter and he goes to put it on and it doesn't fit.
Then I discover that it nudges apart in the back- only the finest quality found-in-the-neighbors-driveway-bubble-gum-machine-rings nudge apart in the back, you know. The manz has standards! It has a lovely gold-on-plastic finish, the mystic triangle design which imprints quite nicely when smacked against ...... various people who occasionally deserve a royal smacking. (I am still the king you know, even if his two non-big-toe toes are longer- supposedly, according to him, whosoever toes are longer than the big toe rules the roost.... Have *you* heard of this? I haven't heard of this...yet it seems to be the case)
Suppose I'll keep him, big toes, bubble-gum rings and all. (I'm not just saying that so he will turn the water back on. Honest.)
It's one of those days. A get-out-of-bed-on-the-wrong-side-day. A day where production does not meet ambition and equals frustration. A day where I am totally derailed and just clatter off the tracks... where even a nap does no good.
All I managed to do today was create this image of a space onion. It's a photoshoped image of a blooming onion, not even particularly clever or anything- and doesn't fit the assignment I was supposed to be working on- but is an oddly reassuring image of the universe... the big bang envisioned as fair food. And everyone knows that 'big bangs' are the result of bloomin onions... no mystery in that.
So, what to do? The boy is sleeping, the doggs outside, the manz should be home from work soon- should I continue to beat myself against this paper? Create cosmic concepts with photoshop? Attempt to clean, hang art, prep dinner? Take another nap? Read? (ugh. design history. I did manage a chapter today, but... it was all about how the first commerical jets were designed with square windows- looked great, but the air pressure caused faults in the corners, which became cracks, which became leaks, which resulted in crashes, which is very depressing. I will forever more make certain that all my travelling windows are rounded)
I received this package in the mail a day or so ago- a nice puffy package from Theresa... I knew that she was going to mail me back my key that I left there, but I couldn't figure out why a key package would be so very puffy.
When I opened the package, there was a lovely black lace bra- but no key. I rooted around in the envelope thinking it must be wedged in a corner, or fell out on the floor when I was pulling out the bra, but no luck- and I was puzzled (appreciative but puzzled) that she sent me a bra... Now, Theresa is known far-and-wide as the bra fairy, and she just gave me a bag of bras, every color of the rainbow. Lovely bras. Every-occasion bras....so why this one? Other than that it was black, lacy and..... I went to try it on, and *there* was the key.
Carefully taped into the side panel, very spy-vs-spy. Quick fantasies of being a Bond girl flashed through my head (but I am no Ursula Andress) ok....well maybe Natasha from Rocky and Bullwinkle? (but I'm not that thin...) Nancy Drew? would never have been caught dead in black lace- way to wholesome for that. Hummm..... I'll just have to add it to my Dr. Girlfriend wardrobe.... (no, I don't look like Dr. Girlfriend either, or sound like her, but I like her style!)
Sid is a striped mud turtle that is now living in our garden, in a make-shift pond made out of a plastic paint tray. We were on an early morning run to Wal-mart for paint and the manz spotted the turtle trying to cross the road. So of course we turned around to save him, and we need a garden turtle...so, now we have a Sid.
Well, for as long as he likes us- he is a young, active fellow and will probably be off to larger ponds in a bit, but at least he shan't be squished by a pig-truck. That's a bad way for a turtle to go-
Working on the house all weekend- pictures coming soon! Laundry room, bathroom and I finally a) put stuff on the studio shelves (well, I made Grendel put books on the shelves so that counts! b) unpacked my suitcase from Texas c) cooked! Yay for cooking! (of course I am trying to diet, so I am not eating everything that I'm cooking, but make treats for fellows regardless).
Kyle is here- he has photos of bear tracks- big bear lurking around his house. If we were there the bear would probably want to come up and dance with the manz or something- he attracts all animals. Kyle calls him Tarzan...
This is your brain. Well, not *your* brain but a brain... well, actually a brain-based design for this class I am taking. This class that is happily kicking my ass it is so hard (whine, whine, play me a small violin).
This class is on neurobiology, basically the study of how the brain physically receives information, deciphers it and codes it into visual structures. In other words, seeing art as a biological process. It's anatomy and physiology and psychology and mad hard but interesting. But it is in summer and everything is at light speed and there is heaps of work to do each day- and it's all complicated. (I love science, biology and medicine so I am not quite as overwhelmed as some... who claim to be just sitting at their computers crying....)
Anyhoo, rarely is a class this challenging. I am enjoying it but I have to work at it, and she isn't a grade poster so I have no idea how I am doing, though the comments on my pre-paper research and drawings have been positive. (hey, any excuse to whip out my impressive knowledge about genetic engineering and mCherry mice... everyone just kinda stops thinking critically when faced with a sweet little mouse that glows pink...)
So, tonight I have to finish my anatomical drawings (fun), get re-packed for Grendel's annual birthday trip (I haven't unpacked from Texas yet, so it is mostly a matter of shifting stuff from one bag into the other, and adding some sweaters), and spend time with my most beloved man- who is on the FRONT PAGE (half a page!) of the paper with the Turkey Whisperer story. Something of a local celebrity, I know the ladies will be knocking the door down while I'm away- can't have that now, can we? Dr. Girlfriend cannot be thwarted by the floozies of Wallace...this Turkey Whisperer is taken!
The manz has been busy while I was gone- along with working and keeping boy/doggs fed and happy (Kyle to upon occasion), he fixed and refloored the studio. Right before I left Bear had put her paw through the floor (combination of big bad bear and not-so-great floor). Well, all that is fixed structurally (good because I am slightly heavier than Bear...slightly), the wood is laid, stained and polyed within an inch of looking like water. (Actually, it does look like water). The color is warm and gold with just a touch of red, the shine and smoothness is incredible. He is painting and placing the foot molding, reworked the new huge bookcase to fit on the walls at sill level...right now he is painting it white (I loooove white) and I'll get to putting stuff away.
What I really wanted to do today is play with the house and the yarden, hug on the man (we shipped the boy off to Kyle's last night so we can have 'alone time') but instead I did trip-laundry and a really-long art history test. Test made longer by internet going down for a few hours and general lack of ability to focus on art pottery, which I personally think is rather fugly. (but I did get to write about Morris design and sewing machines, which was fun!) And answer questions. I like to answer questions, it makes me feel smart.
Anyhoo, the homework is done, dinner is about cooked and the floor is a sight to behold. More importantly I am home to my beloved, who has developed the ability to charm butterflies.