One of Mother's guiding principles is 'better safe than sorry' and that applies to everything. The hall way door is blocked by a roll thing (keeps the bugs out), everything not used is wrapped in plastic, labeled and stored, extra everything is stocked in the cabinets. Duct tape covers door latches to prevent you from being locked out on the patio (good idea!), sticky address labels are on anything that might go astray, bananas are eaten everyday to ward off all sorts of ills.
Sensible, safe, sound. But- there is the fridge. Bananas below, everything in the freezer is wrapped (sometimes double wrapped) in plastic (to keep out the 'gasses'...do refrigerator's still have gasses? I have no clue how they work- it's just magic) Not just tucked around, but twisted, tied, reversed- the wrapping of the icecream is a true art form. It is obvious by the front package that I did not do it correctly as it is already becoming undone....
As I said yesterday, it is near impossible to sneak a bite of icecream (or anything). It involves much puzzling over how to unwrap the desired object, then craftily trying to rewrap the object, Now, I know I can have icecream when ever I want- Mother begrudges me nothing- but *everyone* knows that icecream snuck by the spoonful doesn't have calories where icecream in a proper bowl has zillions of calories. It's a simple fact.
In our house, it's another simple fact that a) icecream doesn't last more than two days b) boys would wildly tear their way into the package if in a moment of extreme desire and c) so would I.....
Is funny because as soon as Grendel was old enough to think about sex, I always told him (and all my other kids) to remember to 'wrap their packages'... suppose that is a holdover from Mother's wrapping habits... but still and all, better safe than sorry!
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