The manz has been busy while I was gone- along with working and keeping boy/doggs fed and happy (Kyle to upon occasion), he fixed and refloored the studio. Right before I left Bear had put her paw through the floor (combination of big bad bear and not-so-great floor). Well, all that is fixed structurally (good because I am slightly heavier than Bear...slightly), the wood is laid, stained and polyed within an inch of looking like water. (Actually, it does look like water). The color is warm and gold with just a touch of red, the shine and smoothness is incredible. He is painting and placing the foot molding, reworked the new huge bookcase to fit on the walls at sill level...right now he is painting it white (I loooove white) and I'll get to putting stuff away.
What I really wanted to do today is play with the house and the yarden, hug on the man (we shipped the boy off to Kyle's last night so we can have 'alone time') but instead I did trip-laundry and a really-long art history test. Test made longer by internet going down for a few hours and general lack of ability to focus on art pottery, which I personally think is rather fugly. (but I did get to write about Morris design and sewing machines, which was fun!) And answer questions. I like to answer questions, it makes me feel smart.
Anyhoo, the homework is done, dinner is about cooked and the floor is a sight to behold. More importantly I am home to my beloved, who has developed the ability to charm butterflies.

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