So, yesterday Charles was working on the bathroom and called me in to look at something he found it the closet behind the tub (above)... it was a shed snakes skin. I retrieved it- most of it- stretched it out and measured it. It was a bit over two feet, and is now outside drying.
He mentioned that he had found a snake in the garbage can when we were in the mountains- had disposed of it- where there are mice there are snakes.
I suppose the new electronic mice repellents are working, because we haven't seen as many mice, but... I moved a bookcase in the kitchen yesterday and curled up tight was the little chicken snake in the picture (with tongs). We put him outside in the woods to live a happy snake life... later, when we were cleaned up and thinking about dinner, Charles noticed something moving on the kitchen table (still covered in stuff from the studio). We searched carefully all over, nothing- but then down in the dog basket, where we keep the leashes and doggstuff, a much bigger chicken snake was all curled up looking at me. She was well over two feet long and quite strong, but out she went. Hopefully that will be the last one, but I'm cleaning with caution...
Charles just ripped out the rest of the shower, found out the wall behind it needs replaced as well as the tub faucet/handles. Back to builders!
he really does have the patience of a saint to put up with all of this- one thing just revels another thing that needs fixing, snakes and mice... yesterday morning I was teasing him about what strange animal would show up, turns out it was the snakes. I'm not going to tease him about that anymore or we might end up with elephants in the yarden!
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