This is your brain. Well, not *your* brain but a brain... well, actually a brain-based design for this class I am taking. This class that is happily kicking my ass it is so hard (whine, whine, play me a small violin).
This class is on neurobiology, basically the study of how the brain physically receives information, deciphers it and codes it into visual structures. In other words, seeing art as a biological process. It's anatomy and physiology and psychology and mad hard but interesting. But it is in summer and everything is at light speed and there is heaps of work to do each day- and it's all complicated. (I love science, biology and medicine so I am not quite as overwhelmed as some... who claim to be just sitting at their computers crying....)
Anyhoo, rarely is a class this challenging. I am enjoying it but I have to work at it, and she isn't a grade poster so I have no idea how I am doing, though the comments on my pre-paper research and drawings have been positive. (hey, any excuse to whip out my impressive knowledge about genetic engineering and mCherry mice... everyone just kinda stops thinking critically when faced with a sweet little mouse that glows pink...)
So, tonight I have to finish my anatomical drawings (fun), get re-packed for Grendel's annual birthday trip (I haven't unpacked from Texas yet, so it is mostly a matter of shifting stuff from one bag into the other, and adding some sweaters), and spend time with my most beloved man- who is on the FRONT PAGE (half a page!) of the paper with the Turkey Whisperer story. Something of a local celebrity, I know the ladies will be knocking the door down while I'm away- can't have that now, can we? Dr. Girlfriend cannot be thwarted by the floozies of Wallace...this Turkey Whisperer is taken!
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