Sometimes simple things can revel allot- like, for instance, toothpaste. Goldilocks would be proud as we have 3 tubes in the bathroom... why? Because there are three of us and we like different brands? (No, I buy what is on sale) Because we all brush our teeth at the same time? (No, toothpaste spit grosses me out)... we have three tubes because we have three distinct personalities, as exampled by the technique of tube-squishing.
Charles's tube is on the bottom right. The neatly folded tube of Crest, that is carefully and expertly squeezed from the bottom in order to maximize the usage and minimize the waste. Logical. Thrifty. Neat-and-clean. Precise. Like the toothpaste, he is focused, able to draw a straight line, keeps things orderly and wastes-not. If this tube was wearing clothes, it would have on a tie.
Grendel's tube is at the top. A boy-tube, it is an attempt at a neat squeeze, but not quite mastered as clearly. The bottom is beginning to realize the pressed-out-flat logic, but the top shows signs of haste. Trying to do the 'grown-up' thing but not quite there yet. If this tube was going to work, it would carry a messenger bag instead of a backpack or briefcase.
Then there is my tube, the small one in the center. It's squeezed in the middle, has a distinct impression of my hand- same way I squeeze paint, with chaos and love. Speaking of which, there is a streak of white paint on the tube... (between the C and the r) *everything* I own gets paint on it. It is a tube in a hurry, a bit careless but always has just a little bit more hidden away in the corners when you least expect it (and need it most). If this tube was a pocketbook, it would be one of endless compartments full of linty mints, kleenex and loose change.
Seriously, my one great pearl of advice is that life is to short to stress the toothpaste. Everyone get their own tube, use it as you see fit... but squeeze mine from the middle!
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