This is the laundry-room beforeish. The washer/dryer is out, and the ick floor is up (layer of carpet on layer of vinyl).
The wall is showing it's ugly green self- that was hidden by the washer and apparently the owner never bothered to finish painting it.
Our laundry room was at one time the worlds-smallest-bathroom- a sink behind the door, toilet where the dryer hose is coming out and the tub at the end of the room where the bathroom door is. Skish. When they put in the new bathroom, they didn't take out the other things exactly- the water lines were capped, but the old drain pipe is still there, and the toilet line just was kinda plugged and had a hunk of wood on top. That whole area- around the dryer hose- was rotted through, the rest of the floor soaked under the carper/tile layers- everything hidden by carpet and washer and dryer.
You can't see it in the picture, but the ceiling was much the same- tumbling down over the dryer. It is amazing that the floor didn't break or the ceiling cave in before now- when I bought this house I *did* have it inspected, I *did* know it was old, had issues and was a fixer upper. I just kinda closed my eyes, jumped in and hoped for the best. (NOT recommended. but we needed somewhere to live...)
Now that Charles is working on the house and uncovering all it's ills, I am amazed that it hasn't fallen down. I feel guilty because it is in such a state, but he is patient, just sighs and says "oh well, we'll just have to replace the: floor, wall, ceiling, shower thingy etc." then gets onto the creative part that he loves. He is doing things correctly, and I admire that- I am much more haphazard in nature and a mess when I am working.... yesterday I just put stuff in the studio, painted a tiny strip of bookcase trim (carefully painted!) wore an apron and STILL ended up with a streak of white paint across my skirt- right on the butt. Lovely....and I didn't notice until this morning.....(had been out prancing about Walmart in the skirt earlier that day...jeeze...)
btw: Sid made a break for freedom and has vanished into the yarden....
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