but not in our studio, which is cosy and pretty. Max is curled up in the man-chair, boy is meandering about the house, manz is at work and bear is...being bear. Rubbing her face on the man-chair since he isn't here to smoosh up her face and rub her eyes (sounds odd, but she loves it)...
Anyhoo, it's pouring- summer rain- I've been working on my neurobiology paper which is gave me a fit because I don't know how to use Adobe Illustrator (photoshop and I are great pals), and got all stressed out about boy-money-situation.
BMS (boy money situation) has to do with financial aid, getting his dorm room and magicking up a considerable amount of money by Friday. Which is at once possible (thank god) and a royal pain in the patuska since that money was earmarked for house things. And it's stressful because I dislike dealing with money, which is why I have everything automatically deducted and love getting paid once a month. It's just that it's August (this *always* happens in August), I really would like the house to be mostly together by school start .... (the manz is working his butt off- but being female, I lust after things like a new couch. Not a necessity, at all, but it would be sweet.... along with dreams of tankless hotwater heaters....mmmmm....we do have the mostbestest shower thing ever though...) Anyway, the boy got charged with 'room damages' which turned out to be a lost-key plus 'improper checkout', so I rained a bit on *his* parade... but he paid for that (leaving him broke broke for the rest of summer, do I have a problem with that? Why no, I do not). And I'll come up with the rest of the housing money- I know he will pay me back in late September when his school money comes in, but in the meantime....grrrrrr.....
So I will sit here in my beautiful studio, listen to the rain and the fan, vent on my blog (thank you all for listening! and thanks to the manz for keeping me calm, and the boy for taking the responsibility for the check-out screw up)... I will focus, focus on neurobiology and try not to complain *too* much... after all, I have a happy family and we are all safe and well... even though I really, really, REALLY want a cookie about now....
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