Monday, November 30, 2009

Tis the Season!

Tis the season to haul out the holly and fa la la... the manz has been decking the halls with all sorts of lights- a proper extravaganza! It is the first time I have had a full blown extravaganza- these pictures are just the work in process. Since then a full size tree has been added to the porch- with white lights- and a full size nativity set will be in the yard (it belonged to Charles's grandparents) and mysterious plans for icicle lights. The more the merrier!
It has been so long since we've had a proper Christmas holiday- not that others were not nice, Grendel and I had lovely little Christmases- but there was not this full blown excitement that I haven't experienced for years. Charles loves Christmas and is in charge of all the decorations (the living room furniture is covered in strands of lights being tested and sorted)- we sorted through my decorations and he is going to retrieve his from storage. In the meantime, it's school and finals, and wrapping up projects... getting MARRIED in less than two weeks! (WHOOHOO! I am sooooo excited!) and all the other plans for the house, company and the holidays. Crazy busy but very fun- I'm painting at school, doing homework at home, he is busy busy busy and even the boy is in the spirit. What makes this holiday season different from so many is not that we have money (we don't!) or time (not a spare second) but that we are having such fun being together and being a family. It's wonderful and exciting and something I never imagined - this full fledged enthusiasm for everything! We are living the extravaganza!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Gobble Gobble Gobble!

Thanksgiving at Barbies! We all went down- that is everyone but Turrello- on Wednesday and returned Friday. Bear and Max rode well, even though Max was quite dramatic and coughed the whole way down (was leaning from the wayback into the front hard enough to choke himself). On the way back Boy took pity on him and let him ride in the backseat on his lap... that was ok because all of the food in the backseat was gone.
Thanksgiving was wonderful- traditional enough but different enough to be exciting. Michael came and told us of his adventures in broken elevators, Miss J came, and Grendel managed to stay awake through dinner. (After dinner though there was a severe case of napping that was caught by most menfolk). Anyway, Barbie and I talked the whole time, wedding plans and the like, while Tom and Charles did guy stuff... including going on the great 'quest for the shopvac' at 5am on Friday. We all went to see the Christmas lights at the Jame's Island Park, extravaganzas that included some very unusual wildlife..... (sometimes you just have to wonder what these Christmas light people are thinking- do they do these things on purpose or where they just not paying attention?)
So ~ the top 10 things I am thankful for:
1. Finding my forever love
2. Family- old, new, and our little family of manz and boy, doggs and kitty.
3. Friends- who make me laugh and who go on adventures with me.
4. That mostly friends and family are the same! : )
5. School, because it makes me think, teaches me to work hard, helps me grow.
6. Work, because I love my kids, love my job even when I grouch about it.
7. Material things- I know this isn't supposed to be on this kind of list, but I am deeply thankful for our beloved tumbledown cottage, our cars, our heaps of stuff, enough money to get by and pay the bills, food and indoor plumbing.
8. Creativity, talent and imagination enough to be able to make something new everyday.
9. All of the good things and all of the small things- the sun, the sky, the sea, the wind and the rain, the fields and the forests.
10. Being comfortable in my skin- I like who I've turned out to be, and that's a good thing. I like you to, and that's even better!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Christmas at Twilight~

which has nothing to do with vampires, but apparently *does* have the offering of tasty tasty ostrich snacks...or something. Actually this was our first family holiday event last Saturday, and it was fun! Our little town closes down the main street area about 2, and until 8 that evening there is a craft/art show, vendors, music, old cars, lights, stores all decorated and offering cookies, a living nativity, Santa Claus, model trains and a tour of the Blessing House. All three of us went after dinner, when it was dark, and walked all over town. Of course Charles knew everyone one- they were all talking to him, patting him on the back, congratulations! A few former students of mine were there- their own children in tow- and a couple of teachers that I worked with long ago. Grendel didn't know anyone- but I'm sure he enjoyed the abundance of pretty girls : ) and the delicious aroma of roasting ostrich...
We had a good time and it started the holiday mood up right- I have been so busy, busy, busy that I often forget to s-l-o-w down and enjoy the season and my family. This is one of the most magic times of our lives right now- getting married forever- and I want to enjoy that feeling of being head-over-heels happy. Which I am!
Of course, my brain has other ideas, and come 3 o'clock this morning I was wide awake... and after a bit, off to Walmart for baking supplies. The last cookies are almost out of the oven- I made the filling for the cranberry/apple pie, peanutbutter cornflake cookies (sound awful but they are fantastic), the manz favorite peanut butter chip, and oatmeal chocolate raisin. Put Martha Stewart to shame I did! Now I have to shower and pack, the manz is taking me to work (bleah. work. bleah) ....then he is going to come home to the boy and the (hopefully) freshly washed doggs (boy-chore)... pack up the car and we are off to Barbies in South Carolina! Gobble Gobble Gobble!
Here's to the Turkey! (I'll pass on the ostrich....though I know it can be quite tasty) (yes, Charles, I have eaten ostrich. Tastes like chicken. Really BIG chicken.)

Monday, November 23, 2009

Wedding CountDown!

The countdown continues! I created a web page for general information- check it out:
Our Auction Wedding.

Grendel's Kitchen

Grendel is home safe and well from SCAD- fetched him back on Friday (spent the rest of the weekend working on school stuff, wedding stuff, commission stuff...and still far behind. I need clones!)
Anyhoo, was taking pictures of his apartment/dorm thing (it's technically an apartment-style-dorm-townhouse-thing with a grocery store on one side, and crackville on the other. They are fenced in and don't go on nightly excursions, which is a good thing)
Back to the kitchen. It was surprisingly clean- as was the bathroom and his room- but the best thing was hanging on the stove. Anyone else remember this tea towel? It was Daddy's and is older-than-god. Well, actually I'm not certain how old it is exactly, but I do remember it in the kitchen at Minno drive and quite possibly Ferndale as well. So that puts it older than Grendel... it was part of the recovered kitchen items that I brought home with me.
Red and black and white, it feels masculine and no-nonsense. Daddy wasn't one for cutsey in the kitchen- keep it simple and practical, at least when it comes to kitchen accessories. Overboard on all possible kitchen machines and gadgets, pots and pans, but towels? Keep them manly, please. No flowers here.
It is somehow comforting to see this towel in Grendel's kitchen. Like a strange blessing from the kitchen-gods, Daddy watching over the serious job of boiling water for Ramen noodles. The occasional making of hamburgers, nuking of frozen delights, forays into other boy-cuisine. I thought I had lost track of this towel- I do loose track of everything lately, and the little things are so important to me- but here it is, safe and well and living a useful life. I bet in all of it's kitchen-towel dreams it never thought it would end up in a dorm in Savannah. And I wonder why Grendel choose that particular towel? We have plenty of random towels, but this is one of two (the other is brownish) that came from Daddy's kitchen. Chances are, if I ask him, he'll just say it was just a towel and no big deal, but I wonder if subconsciously he remembered it being there. Made some sort of connection to it, and to memories of the basement kitchen and Gramps cooking up all manner of wonderful things. A bit of enchantment, a bit of home, a bit of family from long ago. That's nice.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

StressTest and Quote of the Day

A sketchbook page from one of my students- right now I am feeling rather empathic with this, so if you don't want to hear me grouch around, skip this page and go watch 'Charlie the Unicorn' or something...

Anyway, the whole feeling of geewhiz, here is my heart- happy now? yeah. Just a compliation of things of the moment- I can't seem to get the last 25 students in my college class graded (25 students = 75 projects- a paper, a creative project and an artist statement). Why? Because I'm a slacker? no... because it is to slow to work on evie (the little computer- her little screen can't handle multiple windows), Sophia, the big computer at home, won't open files until you have scanned them and saved them first (which keeps her from getting sick- these are the same papers/projects which brought in the worm that killed Data), and while the school computer is nice and fast, I am constantly interrupted by this little thing called my job. Thousands of kids who cannot sharpen a pencil without direct instruction.....and "professional learning communities" that we were required to attend today. All of which is important and interesting but I have way to many things to do.....

Grendel called last night and I have to pick him up at SCAD Friday- I do miss him bunches, love him lots but somehow missed the ball that he was coming home just now...his room is full of boxes, art work and is smellier than usual because the doggs have been sleeping in there. We'll figure it out. ....

I'm stressed out about other things to, but that is enough whining on here for today. Not going to stay after school, have things to take care of that won't wait another day (bills, bank, money stuff..ew.) Then going to go home, get straightened out, make some hot tea and either wrestle with grading papers or try to tackle Grendel's room.

My lunch smells funny so I'm not eating it....

But on the bright side, my art 1's were being good for once, and working away. They were just talking when one of them said- during one of those moments of dead silence-

"I think my grandma's a gangsta"

*That* would be an excellent title for something- rap, song, movie.....

'See my grandma hangin in da hood, best listen up and best listen good

She can cook and she's kinda nice, but you cross her ya gonna get iced.

Grandma's dope, she's down with da gang, when she talks, don't say a thang

Best listen up, best listen good, 'cause my grandma's queen of da hood"

(ok, so my rap skills are lacking...but it makes me feel a wee bit better)... and one more thing- later, same class, this little black kid speaks up and says- for no apparent reason- "Man, I wish I had a Ukrainian accent- that's bad ass."

Another day in TitanTown.

Monday, November 16, 2009

First of the season!

It's deer season- and the first of the mighty hunters is successful! Neil got an 8 point on Saturday (it's in the photo he's holding) and shared some deer jerky with me today (yummy!). I am still successfully spoofing all the kids into thinking that I used to be a mighty hunter- I have the antlers to prove it (thanks to the fearless Podlucky).

Seriously, it builds credibility...just like sponsoring the step team and Latin dance build credibility in those populations. I love all the kids mind you, but if they know I am interested in their activities it makes life easier for all of us.

I am not a mighty hunter- I can't even watch a movie where a dog dies without crying. (Manz and I were watching a Western... a Kevin Costner one... and of course, the dog got shot. Of course I cried- not full out crying, just leaking around the edges. Happens every time.) Anyway, while I am not a hunter, I know that without hunting- especially deer- the population would spiral out of control due to lack of natural predators and abundance of tasty food. But I do love to *eat* deer jerky, or roast... or sausage... not to fond of it just plain ground, though it works well in chili. I usually end up with a few treats every year from my mighty hunters- they are appreciated! and I love the antlers....

Didn't have breakfast at home today- manz slept in (he needed it!) so the deer jerky was extra welcome...I think that I also conned the kids into bringing paperplates/cups/utensils for extra credit. Sweet.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


The beloved man brings me roses from the garden- they are still blooming- and puts them in little vases on the desk. He found the orange vase as a surprise for me- it's simple and beautiful and the exact color of the Jacob's Coat roses. I am loved, and lucky for it.
Right now it feels as if I am chained to this desk- it's Sunday, I've been on the computer all day- he is at work and sometimes that seems like that's all we do...right now there hasn't been time to work on the house, or write my blogs (I do miss it). Don't get me wrong- we have a great life, and it's very busy- we both work hard it's just right now there is no breather. It's nice outside and I'd like to take Max for a walk...but...I have still many many papers and projects to grade for ECU class (paychecks are good things), my studio work that I have yet to begin other than opening the file and doing some sewing, a commission to work on, and my sketchbook assignment. That doesn't sound like a lot, and I've already accomplished some grading, my lessons for this week and importing the 172 photos I took last night...baked cookies, washed some clothes, have dinner in the crock pot, cleaned the bathroom.... but I still feel a mile behind. The race is enjoyable, and I'm not trying to win, but it would be lovely to get caught up!
Still, in all this hubbub he finds time to give me roses~ I must make time to stop and smell them.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Post Note!

Just an addition- for our sketchbook assignment today we had to do a countdown calender- I chose count down to wedding of course. During the course of the presentations, one of the students asked me how old I was... I told them and they were amazed. Actually, they said "Wow. You're 45?!?! You seem really happy for someone that old." Turns out most of the class thought I was in my thirties, (or they were lying through their teeth)...either way, made my day.

Seconded was another teacher who told me that I am always 'glowing' now! Since I've sworn off radioactive milkshakes, it must be love....

Man at Work

The man at work- Sunday morning, making breakfast. He is a major believer in breakfast, every morning it's at least eggs, sometimes sausage and grits as well. He can get fancy with it- adding cheese, or garlic, hot sausage... sometimes left over this and that, it's always good, always filling. mmmmm... I didn't used to like eggs much, now I can't get enough of them. And grits are *always* good.
The shirt Melissa designed for our 'Cheap-n-Easy' presentation at conference- she decided to highlight our husbands- Troy was 'Cheap', and posed all pretty in nothing but a Fez. (don't worry, silhouettes only, his modesty was kept intact). Charles is 'Easy' and laid back in his easy chair... 'man at work'.
Right now I'm at work- it's planning, so I only have three students who talked their way out of another class to hang out in here to work on their sketchbooks- I like to work, love to make art, love the separation between art and money...when I have to make art for money, I get miserable really quick, because money makes me nervous- bad memories from the time of 'create or starve'. no thanks. I'll take a nice steady dependable paycheck, even if it means dealing with my Art 1 devil-children. I love to make art because I love to create things, all the time... if someone wants to do the business of selling it for me, so be it, but I don't want to be dependent on that ever again. I bring this up because I just finished a book 'Creative Time and Space' that was all about how artists manage their time and space while working full time as artists..... I think I would be paralyzed by money anxiety if I was doing just full time art again without a buffer... just the thought is terrifying. I don't need to be rich, but I need to be safe- know what is coming in, what is going out and where it is going. Otherwise I freak out... and that is never a pretty thing. But things keep getting better, and I do have some bread-n-butter art money that will be coming in - I need to totally focus on the commission and get that knocked out. Couple of good days with photo shop, the right paper and I'll be good to go. One thing, nothing takes me long once I get started.....

Saturday, November 7, 2009


This is how the manz watches TV. Since Torello is grown enough to have the run of the house (kinda), and Max is stinky enough to be banished from the chair (until bath time), Torello has taken over Manz-lap. He happily perches on the chair and leans over to help me paint, or draw, or sew (he likes painting the best) but when he is all worn out there is nothing like a nice long nap on the manz lap.

We are normally early-to-bed people... nine o'clock finds us yawning, 5:30 finds us bright-eyed and having coffee on the porch (except now it is chilly). This past week though I was flat down with the flu- slept all day Tuesday, went to school Wednesday and Thursday, slept all day Friday after I got home from the Dr's. (they took my head bump off and froze my wart- a fun filled experience all around. So now I am uber-attractive with a big sore spot on my head..can't wash hair until Monday, a nasty blister where the wart was frozen - don't let them lie to you, it HURTS!- and a scruffy bright red cold-nose)...
anyway, last night I finally started feeling better and was wakeful. The movie was playing, I was working on my thesis surrounded by books and evie, chattering away to the manz when I realised that a: it was past 10, b: manz and cat were sound asleep, c: there was this loud combination of snoring and purring that I somehow didn't hear over the TV and my own chattering..... I sushed them on to bed, but I couldn't sleep and ended up working until 2. Felt good, and this morning I am feeling much better (except the head bump is hurting).

All morning this morning we have been making stuff, I've been gluing beads onto one of my sculptures (note: the smell of E6000 does not improve headbump whining) and manz has been shaping vinyl records, creating bowls and flowers and figuring out how to make curls and twists stay when the record is being heated. I tell him he is as much as an artist as I am, but he doesn't believe me- but of course I'm right, he just doesn't know it yet.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


The manz boots. His philosophy is "I like what I like and I stick to it"... if he is as loyal to me as he is to these boots, I know he will be around for a billion years. (and yep, he is that loyal- I know it!)

I'm not sure how long he has had these boots, but they've seen many a road and adventure, I am sure. They are Timberlins (? timberlands? the kind with the tree on the side) and are worn to the stubs. The sole is coming off, there are holes in the leather, but they remain the first choice of the day- they are comfortable, still serviceable (kinda) and he 'likes what he likes'.

Now, lest you think I am neglecting the manz, he does have a brand new pair of boots- not the Timber kind (they have jumped in price since becoming a fashion statement for rappers- go figure) but a perfectly good pair of Craftsman's from Sears. It took some hunting, but they meet all the man requirements- nubuck leather (check), no steel toe (check), not waterproof (check)... that would seem easy, but it is near impossible to find that specific combination. A few weeks ago when Melissa was down- actually the night I got engaged- we went on the great boot hunt in Wilmington. They have slept safely in their box ever since.

Now, I'm not fussing- I know they will be there when he needs them someday, just like he is there whenever I need him. Right now I am home from school with a nasty nasty cold (hopefully not the swine flu- not that I would mind a few days at home, but my kids are between projects and I do have mercy for the subs...the kids can only take so much bookwork in art class before they rebel)... anyway, he is busy keeping me safe and well with long naps, orange juice and bananas, and pumpkin ice cream. I am just moseying around in a nyquil induced haze, kinda paying attention to things then drifting off to sleep for hours, writing long nonsensical emails trying to register for spring classes, looking for this picture of a skeleton key that I *know* is on the computer somewhere, but which is successfully hiding. (I take lots and lots of pictures- I just sifted through several hundred looking for this key- or any key. I take pictures of keys all the time and I just wish I knew where they went!)
Anyway, he just came home from work with the said pumpkin ice cream, and that is exactly what I want for dinner. Cold. cold is good....mmmm.....loves the man, he's a wonder.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

All Hallows

Yesterday was Halloween, one of my favorite holidays ever- I have always loved the spooky, the costumes, the excitement and of course, the chocolate. It was the perfect Halloween day- a little cold, dark but not to stormy. Felt like fall and all of our decorations glowed in the gloom.

I went to downtown Burgaw with some of my kids for the festival- we were in the sidewalk art contest. The kids drew a grim reaper and a cleaning witch- just for fun I made the vampire with the 'don't be afraid...get smart take ART!' It reminded me of when I was growing up and we would go down and paint the windows at Glosser Brothers for Halloween... I was so mad the year that my design was chosen then Richie Moore (I still remember his name!) changed it all around. bleah. Well, I have my revenge as an art teacher... and actually, now that I think of it, I kinda did the same thing to Neena yesterday (sorry Neena). See, Josh and his brother were there first, so they began working on Rico's grim reaper drawing. Neena and Ariel showed up an hour late, and I wouldn't let them do Neena's grim reaper (two reapers are one to many, even though Neena's was a female grim reaper) so they changed it into a kitchen witch. In the meantime, I entertained myself with the vampire drawing and another one, 'the discovery of cake'. Not quite sure how I ended up with this- it is based on a 'hungry ghost' cartoon I did in my sketchbook- I was just amusing myself with imagining two aliens landing in a pumpkin patch on Halloween. They somehow come across a cake, and are enthralled with it...eating and eating until their bellies are big as punkins.... it made me laugh and puzzled everyone else, but what is Halloween without a good mystery?