A sketchbook page from one of my students- right now I am feeling rather empathic with this, so if you don't want to hear me grouch around, skip this page and go watch 'Charlie the Unicorn' or something...
Anyway, the whole feeling of geewhiz, here is my heart- happy now? yeah. Just a compliation of things of the moment- I can't seem to get the last 25 students in my college class graded (25 students = 75 projects- a paper, a creative project and an artist statement). Why? Because I'm a slacker? no... because it is to slow to work on evie (the little computer- her little screen can't handle multiple windows), Sophia, the big computer at home, won't open files until you have scanned them and saved them first (which keeps her from getting sick- these are the same papers/projects which brought in the worm that killed Data), and while the school computer is nice and fast, I am constantly interrupted by this little thing called my job. Thousands of kids who cannot sharpen a pencil without direct instruction.....and "professional learning communities" that we were required to attend today. All of which is important and interesting but I have way to many things to do.....
Grendel called last night and I have to pick him up at SCAD Friday- I do miss him bunches, love him lots but somehow missed the ball that he was coming home just now...his room is full of boxes, art work and is smellier than usual because the doggs have been sleeping in there. We'll figure it out. ....
I'm stressed out about other things to, but that is enough whining on here for today. Not going to stay after school, have things to take care of that won't wait another day (bills, bank, money stuff..ew.) Then going to go home, get straightened out, make some hot tea and either wrestle with grading papers or try to tackle Grendel's room.
My lunch smells funny so I'm not eating it....
But on the bright side, my art 1's were being good for once, and working away. They were just talking when one of them said- during one of those moments of dead silence-
"I think my grandma's a gangsta"
*That* would be an excellent title for something- rap, song, movie.....
'See my grandma hangin in da hood, best listen up and best listen good
She can cook and she's kinda nice, but you cross her ya gonna get iced.
Grandma's dope, she's down with da gang, when she talks, don't say a thang
Best listen up, best listen good, 'cause my grandma's queen of da hood"
(ok, so my rap skills are lacking...but it makes me feel a wee bit better)... and one more thing- later, same class, this little black kid speaks up and says- for no apparent reason- "Man, I wish I had a Ukrainian accent- that's bad ass."
Another day in TitanTown.
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