Thanksgiving at Barbies! We all went down- that is everyone but Turrello- on Wednesday and returned Friday. Bear and Max rode well, even though Max was quite dramatic and coughed the whole way down (was leaning from the wayback into the front hard enough to choke himself). On the way back Boy took pity on him and let him ride in the backseat on his lap... that was ok because all of the food in the backseat was gone.
Thanksgiving was wonderful- traditional enough but different enough to be exciting. Michael came and told us of his adventures in broken elevators, Miss J came, and Grendel managed to stay awake through dinner. (After dinner though there was a severe case of napping that was caught by most menfolk). Anyway, Barbie and I talked the whole time, wedding plans and the like, while Tom and Charles did guy stuff... including going on the great 'quest for the shopvac' at 5am on Friday. We all went to see the Christmas lights at the Jame's Island Park, extravaganzas that included some very unusual wildlife..... (sometimes you just have to wonder what these Christmas light people are thinking- do they do these things on purpose or where they just not paying attention?)
So ~ the top 10 things I am thankful for:
1. Finding my forever love
2. Family- old, new, and our little family of manz and boy, doggs and kitty.
3. Friends- who make me laugh and who go on adventures with me.
4. That mostly friends and family are the same! : )
5. School, because it makes me think, teaches me to work hard, helps me grow.
6. Work, because I love my kids, love my job even when I grouch about it.
7. Material things- I know this isn't supposed to be on this kind of list, but I am deeply thankful for our beloved tumbledown cottage, our cars, our heaps of stuff, enough money to get by and pay the bills, food and indoor plumbing.
8. Creativity, talent and imagination enough to be able to make something new everyday.
9. All of the good things and all of the small things- the sun, the sky, the sea, the wind and the rain, the fields and the forests.
10. Being comfortable in my skin- I like who I've turned out to be, and that's a good thing. I like you to, and that's even better!
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