Grendel is home safe and well from SCAD- fetched him back on Friday (spent the rest of the weekend working on school stuff, wedding stuff, commission stuff...and still far behind. I need clones!)
Anyhoo, was taking pictures of his apartment/dorm thing (it's technically an apartment-style-dorm-townhouse-thing with a grocery store on one side, and crackville on the other. They are fenced in and don't go on nightly excursions, which is a good thing)
Back to the kitchen. It was surprisingly clean- as was the bathroom and his room- but the best thing was hanging on the stove. Anyone else remember this tea towel? It was Daddy's and is older-than-god. Well, actually I'm not certain how old it is exactly, but I do remember it in the kitchen at Minno drive and quite possibly Ferndale as well. So that puts it older than Grendel... it was part of the recovered kitchen items that I brought home with me.
Red and black and white, it feels masculine and no-nonsense. Daddy wasn't one for cutsey in the kitchen- keep it simple and practical, at least when it comes to kitchen accessories. Overboard on all possible kitchen machines and gadgets, pots and pans, but towels? Keep them manly, please. No flowers here.
It is somehow comforting to see this towel in Grendel's kitchen. Like a strange blessing from the kitchen-gods, Daddy watching over the serious job of boiling water for Ramen noodles. The occasional making of hamburgers, nuking of frozen delights, forays into other boy-cuisine. I thought I had lost track of this towel- I do loose track of everything lately, and the little things are so important to me- but here it is, safe and well and living a useful life. I bet in all of it's kitchen-towel dreams it never thought it would end up in a dorm in Savannah. And I wonder why Grendel choose that particular towel? We have plenty of random towels, but this is one of two (the other is brownish) that came from Daddy's kitchen. Chances are, if I ask him, he'll just say it was just a towel and no big deal, but I wonder if subconsciously he remembered it being there. Made some sort of connection to it, and to memories of the basement kitchen and Gramps cooking up all manner of wonderful things. A bit of enchantment, a bit of home, a bit of family from long ago. That's nice.
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