The man at work- Sunday morning, making breakfast. He is a major believer in breakfast, every morning it's at least eggs, sometimes sausage and grits as well. He can get fancy with it- adding cheese, or garlic, hot sausage... sometimes left over this and that, it's always good, always filling. mmmmm... I didn't used to like eggs much, now I can't get enough of them. And grits are *always* good.
The shirt Melissa designed for our 'Cheap-n-Easy' presentation at conference- she decided to highlight our husbands- Troy was 'Cheap', and posed all pretty in nothing but a Fez. (don't worry, silhouettes only, his modesty was kept intact). Charles is 'Easy' and laid back in his easy chair... 'man at work'.
Right now I'm at work- it's planning, so I only have three students who talked their way out of another class to hang out in here to work on their sketchbooks- I like to work, love to make art, love the separation between art and money...when I have to make art for money, I get miserable really quick, because money makes me nervous- bad memories from the time of 'create or starve'. no thanks. I'll take a nice steady dependable paycheck, even if it means dealing with my Art 1 devil-children. I love to make art because I love to create things, all the time... if someone wants to do the business of selling it for me, so be it, but I don't want to be dependent on that ever again. I bring this up because I just finished a book 'Creative Time and Space' that was all about how artists manage their time and space while working full time as artists..... I think I would be paralyzed by money anxiety if I was doing just full time art again without a buffer... just the thought is terrifying. I don't need to be rich, but I need to be safe- know what is coming in, what is going out and where it is going. Otherwise I freak out... and that is never a pretty thing. But things keep getting better, and I do have some bread-n-butter art money that will be coming in - I need to totally focus on the commission and get that knocked out. Couple of good days with photo shop, the right paper and I'll be good to go. One thing, nothing takes me long once I get started.....
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