which has nothing to do with vampires, but apparently *does* have the offering of tasty tasty ostrich snacks...or something. Actually this was our first family holiday event last Saturday, and it was fun! Our little town closes down the main street area about 2, and until 8 that evening there is a craft/art show, vendors, music, old cars, lights, stores all decorated and offering cookies, a living nativity, Santa Claus, model trains and a tour of the Blessing House. All three of us went after dinner, when it was dark, and walked all over town. Of course Charles knew everyone one- they were all talking to him, patting him on the back, congratulations! A few former students of mine were there- their own children in tow- and a couple of teachers that I worked with long ago. Grendel didn't know anyone- but I'm sure he enjoyed the abundance of pretty girls : ) and the delicious aroma of roasting ostrich...
We had a good time and it started the holiday mood up right- I have been so busy, busy, busy that I often forget to s-l-o-w down and enjoy the season and my family. This is one of the most magic times of our lives right now- getting married forever- and I want to enjoy that feeling of being head-over-heels happy. Which I am!
Of course, my brain has other ideas, and come 3 o'clock this morning I was wide awake... and after a bit, off to Walmart for baking supplies. The last cookies are almost out of the oven- I made the filling for the cranberry/apple pie, peanutbutter cornflake cookies (sound awful but they are fantastic), the manz favorite peanut butter chip, and oatmeal chocolate raisin. Put Martha Stewart to shame I did! Now I have to shower and pack, the manz is taking me to work (bleah. work. bleah) ....then he is going to come home to the boy and the (hopefully) freshly washed doggs (boy-chore)... pack up the car and we are off to Barbies in South Carolina! Gobble Gobble Gobble!
Here's to the Turkey! (I'll pass on the ostrich....though I know it can be quite tasty) (yes, Charles, I have eaten ostrich. Tastes like chicken. Really BIG chicken.)
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