It's deer season- and the first of the mighty hunters is successful! Neil got an 8 point on Saturday (it's in the photo he's holding) and shared some deer jerky with me today (yummy!). I am still successfully spoofing all the kids into thinking that I used to be a mighty hunter- I have the antlers to prove it (thanks to the fearless Podlucky).
Seriously, it builds credibility...just like sponsoring the step team and Latin dance build credibility in those populations. I love all the kids mind you, but if they know I am interested in their activities it makes life easier for all of us.
I am not a mighty hunter- I can't even watch a movie where a dog dies without crying. (Manz and I were watching a Western... a Kevin Costner one... and of course, the dog got shot. Of course I cried- not full out crying, just leaking around the edges. Happens every time.) Anyway, while I am not a hunter, I know that without hunting- especially deer- the population would spiral out of control due to lack of natural predators and abundance of tasty food. But I do love to *eat* deer jerky, or roast... or sausage... not to fond of it just plain ground, though it works well in chili. I usually end up with a few treats every year from my mighty hunters- they are appreciated! and I love the antlers....
Didn't have breakfast at home today- manz slept in (he needed it!) so the deer jerky was extra welcome...I think that I also conned the kids into bringing paperplates/cups/utensils for extra credit. Sweet.
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