The beloved man brings me roses from the garden- they are still blooming- and puts them in little vases on the desk. He found the orange vase as a surprise for me- it's simple and beautiful and the exact color of the Jacob's Coat roses. I am loved, and lucky for it.
Right now it feels as if I am chained to this desk- it's Sunday, I've been on the computer all day- he is at work and sometimes that seems like that's all we do...right now there hasn't been time to work on the house, or write my blogs (I do miss it). Don't get me wrong- we have a great life, and it's very busy- we both work hard it's just right now there is no breather. It's nice outside and I'd like to take Max for a walk...but...I have still many many papers and projects to grade for ECU class (paychecks are good things), my studio work that I have yet to begin other than opening the file and doing some sewing, a commission to work on, and my sketchbook assignment. That doesn't sound like a lot, and I've already accomplished some grading, my lessons for this week and importing the 172 photos I took last night...baked cookies, washed some clothes, have dinner in the crock pot, cleaned the bathroom.... but I still feel a mile behind. The race is enjoyable, and I'm not trying to win, but it would be lovely to get caught up!
Still, in all this hubbub he finds time to give me roses~ I must make time to stop and smell them.
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