At the auction, sometimes there are things that no one wants. This past auction there was a lump of leftovers.... and I was told that I could have this old box that was full of vintage fabric (yay!). I finally got around to bringing the box to school today and we unpacked it- discovered that it was full of treasures!
Included: quite a few sections of nice vintage fabric, the yo-yo spread (pictured) it only needs 3 small connections- looks like it fits a double bed, quite nice.... the apron Ariel is modeling (I let her have it- it was *tiny*) a nice section of heavy white satin (Neena claimed that), old tea towels partially embroidered with "it's an art", stencils, fabric treatment paint, glitter, stickers, nice scrapbooking collage paper, a random sea bean and a wooden paddle shaped like a hand and inscribed " To Mrs. Brown from Reggie J." I'm guessing Reggie J. was not exactly a model student. I'm thinking I'm going to repaint one side of the paddle (it has a rocking horse decal on it), save the original inscription and turn this into my hall pass. Cool stuff- useful, amusing, artsycraftsy- Christmas come to visit all over again. I'll take an abandoned box o'stuff anyday!
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