Today we went up to the stockyard area and set up our 'roadshow' of stuff to sell. We were there from about 8 to 1, and sold quite a bit- this photo was about 3/4 way through. I set up my easel and painted outside for the first time since moving from the beach 3 years ago- it was wonderful! I painted an old tobacco barn in spring-time- that's the painting above, not quite finished. There are daffodils and clouds, I still have some detail to do. A pretty simple painting really, but it felt so good just to have fun and paint and not worry about school, or clients, or anything but enjoying the day. Quite a few stopped and commented on it- makes me happy and the manz enjoyed that as well. (Especially when they bought stuff). This was our first step together towards that someday-store dream- it's going to come true and it's going to be grand!
Now I'm home, he's off replacing windows for the Polish-guy whose name I can't remember (Jak sie masz? it's the only Polish word I know) and I have school work to do (of course) BUT I want to butterfly around, clean a bit (it is Spring, you know) take Mr. Max for a walk (we both need it!) play. It's beautiful out, hard to stay inside, impossible to focus on computer stuff. So.....procrastination or priorities or what? I dunno, but I'm going to enjoy the day!
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