A marionette of 'Bottom' from Midsummer's Night's Dream that I made as an example. I think he turned out fairly well- most of this year's marionettes are. They are made out of basically nothing- paperclips, masking tape, tin foil, scraps of fabric, a tiny bit of sculpy and a tad of paint.
I didn't begin with intending to create Bottom, but when I was demoing how to make animal heads I really liked his donkey-head. For those with rusty Shakespeare, Bottom was a main character- a rustic travelling actor- who was bewitched by Oberon (the fairy king) into having a donkey head. The fairy queen, Titania, was then given a love potion- she fell head over heels in love with Bottom. Many years ago I played the part of Titania- my singular speaking role in theatre as an adult. It was tons of fun...
I like making things with the kids- of course I have to, part of the job to make demos, but it's one of the best parts of the job. Even though we have had tons of budget cuts, I'm basically ok with it as I am good at making something out of nothing- I've been doing it so long that I don't know what I'd do with 'real' art supplies (and I don't think they would actually work any better than my budget supplies). The crafts class has now moved on from marionettes and we are making mandalas out of old vinyl records- 'upcycling' is the trendy word for it. I'm going to bring in some of the manz sculptural bowls and flowers he made from records- he is very creative and talented, especially in sculpting and constructing things.
This weekend is more homework, more working on my endless webpage- if anyone out there has experience with flipbook java programs I could use some help! My flip book works but is *still* an ugly green color that just won't go away....rather like the face of the witch in 'Wicked'.
OoooOOo... someone from foods 2 just brought me yummy potatoes- mashed with a crust of cheese and bacon. so much for the diet!
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