Last weekend I spring cleaned (kinda) instead of doing school work and so now I am paying the price by doing double time everything. But apparently it was a common habit because everyone else in my class did the same thing... sometimes you just need to stop, breathe, celebrate the season and get things straight.
On my little hutches that don't match, I have all of my precious seasonal things. In a way it doesn't make sense because we don't sit at the table or use the dining area of the kitchen, but it still is meaningful to me and I like it. I suppose the arranging of it with the seasons change helps me to transition, I get to rotate all my pretties around, and I just plain like it.
what we have here is a combination of dollar-store dishes, old white coffee pot and pitchers that were mother's, cow creamer, bowls of stone eggs and spring flowers, a plaster saint that I got at the auction a kabillion years ago, some tins, yellow pitchers/green tea pot, the fish Charles brought me last week on the bottom shelf next to an ostrich egg Daddy gave me long ago. It's the new beginning of the year- I want outside and flowers, fun with the husband, Ms. Ball to visit- but my thesis is due April 9th, my competition presentation is April 5th, the county art show is April 8th, and boards are due by the end of April and I am glued to work..... I don't mind the work- it will pass in good time- but I just worry that everyone will feel neglected. I don't want to neglect anyone- I just lose track of days and tasks, and before I know it another day is gone. But I try to make time to sit on the porch at least a little bit, and I try to be patient with my students even though they are in full-blown hormonal spring fever and must be constantly reminded to keep "Your hands and feet and other parts to yourself."..... that wears on my nerves.
Actually, Spring break is the coming week, and I am longing for it- being at home, cycling between work and rest (with lots of work) but at least I can *watch* the birds and the bees instead of police them!
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