Yesterday when I got home there was a surprise- the dying light in our bedroom had been replaced by this one. It is one of the stained glass lamps we acquired at auction, the panes are greenish gold and brown and it looks like light coming down through trees. Everything is warmer, snugger- and I can see! Hooray! Thank-you Mr. Manz.
I love the look of the stained glass- we have one in the dining room and another that will be hung - somewhere? Thinking about the kitchen, but I like the ceiling fan in the kitchen- for smoke emergencies, drying the floor, and spring air. Besides, the manz is kinda tall and tends to bump heads with things. I think it might be nice in the living room, in one of the corners... we'll see. The house is a continuing work in progress.
Today is full of rain, but it is warm rain that makes things grow. I want to clean my nest, work in the yarden- make things. Not do paper work or drive to Raleigh tomorrow for endless meetings. I want to take pictures of old houses and flowers, go check the daffodils in the field to see if they are ready to pick- I love a bunch of daffodils more than most any flower- they are so bright, smell nice and dry beautifully. I can't wait till school is over- at least the college part- so that I can 'red up' my messy nest, fuss about and put things in order. I have new (old) books to shelve, bottles to fill, quilts to air out and fold.... other people in the family (Dan and Casey, Teresa and Dave) have new places, and I am just a bit envious. Not that I don't love our cottage, but I want time to set it to order- something I haven't done in a long long time. (as the manz says, he did not marry me for my cleaning, or cooking or money.....)
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