Saturday, and the first sign of Spring flowers blooming- a few daffodils in the front of our yarden. I am trying to change, be more active- I had been working on homework all morning, completed two assignments for Virtual Reality (I love that class- I neglect it because I am spending so much more time on the thesis), then was working on a web page. Lots of typing and editing and spell checking then I hit the wrong button and screwed it up beyond repair. (I know- I tried to repair it but just made it worse and worse- all tangled up).
Then it was balancing the budget time, which is never fun... by the end of that I was tired and stressed. Manz was off to get manz supplies (we are out of eggs, among other things) and I was going to take a nap (sure cure for stress)... but all I could do is think and think all in tangles and I was just getting wound up tighter.
So I got up and put on my beloved plaid chucks, headed out the door with the camera to look for Spring. Actually, I was going to take Max for a dog-walk, but it is still to cold and windy for that. Instead I roamed about the yarden and found a few flowers- deep breaths and a bit of a walk and I am ready to start again.
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