Today was everyone to the vet day- time for yearly checkups and shots. Both the doggs and the kitty- everyone got a clean bill of health and everyone has gained weight. Max is now at 50 (mr. chubb chubb) and Ursula is up to almost 70. ("That's not a bear, it's a Moose!" the vet said). Turrello is almost 10- everyone is benefiting from the manz cooking! After our return, Max ran out to his cave in the azaleas, Bear into the back of the dog-barn, and Turrello? somewhere in the bed. (He likes to hide between the suitcases under the bed and the frame of the bed... it's his 'cat cave'). The vet was tickled over Turrello's letter (Dear Dr...) and says, yes- it's obvious that he is getting the best of care.
While I was in the vet, I saw a former student of mine (many years ago) with her two small children. She was explaining to her little daughter that their dog Mollie, had to have surgery. When the little one asked what surgery was, Jennifer said "oh, she had to get a cut". The daughters eyes got real big, she squealed and jumped up and down clapping. Her mom just looked at her funny- then the little girl burst out "Cut like a poodle?!?" (visions of pompoms and pink ribbons in her head, no doubt).... the whole waiting room laughed.... (Mollie is a hunting-type hound...lovely in ribbons, I'm certain).
Max however would *love* some pink ribbons....
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