These lovely dolls came up at the auction last night- the 'perfect couple' they say what you want to hear when you squeeze their hands. Things like "It's ok honey, you rest while I whip up some snacks" "N0 dear, I have no idea where I'm going. Let's ask directions!" and the like.
Ada and Doug (our auctioneers) started playing 'Charles and Rebekah' with them when they came up- everyone teased us about being the perfect couple and 'still on the honeymoon'. It's funny and cute how they all fuss over us, treat us special. Of course, the manz is always teasing and flirting with me- that hasn't changed- and everyone gets a kick out of that. We are a good team.
Good finds last night- some small furniture to resell, a basket full of vintage scarves- some turned out to be Vera, Ken Scott and other designers.... going to try to sell them on Etsy. Found the perfect rug for the living room- a small oriental in sage and subtle lavender. Matches the sofas exactly. Then manz lucked into the displays from the shoe store that moved over by walmart- double rowed stacked shelves, the kind in the middle of the store- they GAVE him all but a few someone else took. Two of the top units are on the porch- they are huge- his dad is going to help him pick the rest up tomorrow and store them out there. (Charles's dad likes old stuff and found stuff as much as we do! He has a big barn that is a huge messy nest of curious things... he is definitely an Oscar, like me). Anyway, we now instantly have all the fixtures for a store- just lack the store. We looked at several places yesterday, but nothing quite is right yet- eventually the right thing will come along, and until then we will get the online things up and running.
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