BOY is home! boy is home! with his plethora of boy-stuff... here he is setting up clover in the studio. (you are not seeing double, he has TWO flat-screen monitors) and a huge tangle of cords.
Must admit, between remodeling and boyhome house is just a *tad* chaotic, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Everything will fall into it's place, all in good time.
So us being us (and not your average family) we played a trick on the boy... when he came home dinner was in the crock-pot, and Charles and I started discussing what to have with dinner...humm... let's see, Brussels sprouts or turnips? and we have this 'pork in a can, with juices' which was offered up as the main course... (seriously, it's for the doggs)... said that "all food must be eaten at the table, no internet after 9pm, no cussing, etc." (um, yeah. we are not exactly role-models.... we *have* a table, but usually eat elsewhere, internet is on 24-7 and I am *working* on not cussing....actually, I like to think it's going rather well) Anyway... boy started to fall for it (when we got to the turnips part... you could tell he was trying to be polite..) but when we started with the 'setting the table' he caught on and started laughing.... welcome home boy-o, we are going to have a blast!
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