Grendel is *not* a morning person- even when he is setting out on a great adventure. Just functions on autopilot until he gets into the car, where he promptly falls back asleep. I woke him up at the airport, right before we parked... he was sleepwalking through check in, the only person in all of Raleigh today wearing a leather jacket in this heat. But it is colder in Vancouver (like our late-fall colder) and he might freeze- better to melt here than freeze there I suppose.
He has always been a night-owl, from the moment that he was born he partied all night and slept all day. When he was going to school with me, he would sometimes fall asleep in his cereal bowl- would be instantly sleeping in the car. Probably why he doesn't want to learn how to drive- deeply conditioned that cars=sleep. Same thing even when Kyle would take him to High School... pick him up and *poof* off to dream land. Two O'clock in the morning however, he is up and full of energy, high spirits... rearranging his room, multitasking on the computer, dreaming up adventures. Wonder how he'll do with jet lag.
I've always been the opposite. No problem with early hours, but my brain stops functioning about 4, and I'm ready to sleep by 9. Late nights are anytime past 9:30... I try to stay up but get watery-eyed sleepy. just no good at it. So I've never fussed at him for his schedule- I could no more keep that up than he can function on mine. To each their own.
Going to miss him though- all the way to Vancouver island- hope he has fun, is safe but adventurous, remembers to bring me a rock. I love that he is brave enough to explore like this- at about his age I traveled across country by myself for the first time and it was wonderful. He has already gone to Arizona, and to Europe with pals, but Vancouver is the farthest solo- but is looking towards Japan perhaps for next summer. He's got it good... the traveling bug. and that's a worthy thing.
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