Charles took this picture today- along with others- of an old abandoned graveyard out where he is building a barn. (It's a barn-for-someone else, not ours!) This is Obed W. Murray 1830-1913, which put him at a fair age for that time. There is an inscription, but it is written in back slant, so I can't quite read it on the photo. Maybe in person, or if he does a rubbing... All of the graves are beautiful- unique shapes, arched like Obeds, one a curving scroll, some doubles, a small obelisk. They have inscriptions "He was a kind and loving son and affectionate brother" (Walter Carr), carved stars, crowns, pearly gates. Obed here has an anchor on top with dogwood sprays, a flower underneath (compass-rose ish) and a rainbow. The inscription is "His word...-something- high". The name Obed means 'servant'.
There are so many of these old family graveyards out here- the public ones, the community ones are a novelty. There is one behind Sam's house (the house behind me) that no one ever cares for (except me, on occasion. When the skeeters and ticks aren't out- I love ghosts but hate bugs-that-bite). It's kind of nice, keeping kin close by, where they can keep an eye on you.
The barn is mostly put-up (in three days- amazing. That is from raw field to barn- ) will post pictures of it when it is finished... this man can turn his hand to anything. Right now- I am home from school, he is home from work, boy is sleeping off college- right now while I type he is out cutting down pine trees and trimming boards. Nothing against pine trees, but there is a tree farm right next to the house and we have lots of cast-offs that I let go... now they are proper trees and crowding out the others. He has plans to turn them into something useful- and *that* is exactly what I like. We both approach everything with 'what can I do with *this* attitude' and appreciation for the lost things left beside the way- the quiet beauty of graves amidst the corn.
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